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dc.contributor.authorÓzsvári, László
dc.contributor.authorJózsi-Tóth, István
dc.contributor.authorHankó-Faragó, Emese
dc.contributor.authorSzabára, Ágnes
dc.identifier.citationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 137(10), 579-586. (2015)en_US
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY The authors present the production impact of an acute BVD outbreak and the economic evaluation of BVD vaccination in a large-scale Holstein-Friesian dairy herd. In 2010 the number of abortions and the early culling and mortality rate of calves unexpectedly and significantly increased on the farm. The BVDV infection was confirmed in summer 2011 and in autumn 2011 the BVD vaccination (Bovilis® BVD, MSD-AH) was started in the herd. The authors surveyed the production and animal health parameters on the farm between 2010 and 2012. In order to conduct the cost-benefit analysis they compared the production indices influenced by the BVD outbreak (abortions, deaths and premature disposals of calves) in the year before the vaccination (2010) with those in the year when the entire herd was vaccinated against BVD. The annual loss caused by the acute BVD outbreak was 24.3 € per cow in 2010. The BVD vaccination yielded a profit of 7.7 € per cow in 2012. The BVD vaccination as an investment had 1.8 benefit-cost ratio and 80.35% ROI. The results of the economic analysis show that the application of BVD vaccine in the given herd was beneficial.en_US
dc.publisherMagyar Állatorvosok Lapjaen_US
dc.titleEgy heveny BVD-járványkitörés termelési tapasztalatai és az ellene való védekezés gazdasági megtérülése egy hazai nagyüzemi holstein-fríz tehenészetbenen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe production impact of an acute BVD outbreak and the economic evaluation of BVD vaccination in a Hungarian large-scale holstein-friesian dairy herden_US
dcterms.bibliographicCitationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 137(10), 579-586. (2015)

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