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dc.contributor.authorYesha, Ramcharan
dc.description.abstractOtitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear cavity, which includes the tympanum, tympanic bulla, and eustachian tube. Otitis media can be caused by a number of infectious and non-infectious factors. Many cases of otitis media appear to be ignored because an inspection of the external ear canal is sometimes insufficient when otitis externa is visible. Otitis media is often the outcome of chronic otitis externa spreading through a damaged tympanic membrane. In the paper, the aetiological factors, the pathogenesis, the clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment will be reviewed, as well as patient information from the caseload in 2020 of the Department and Clinic of Internal Medicine of University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest.en_US
dc.titleEvaluation and review of the aetiology of suppurative destructive otitis media in dogs.en_US

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