Sertéscirco- és parvovírusok vizsgálata egy hazai sertéstelepen
My thesis summarises the current knowledge on porcine circo- (PCVs) and parvoviruses
(PPVs), with special attention on the emerging, novel species. We assessed the presence and
prevalence of these viruses in a Hungarian pig farm, where we collected 100 bloodserum
samples from different age groups, 5 processing fluid and 9 oral fluid samples and analyzed
them by quantitative real-time PCR method. Our aim was to investigate the within-herd
infection dynamics of these viruses and to gain a better understanding on their importance
as pig pathogens. Our results showed that, except the most recently identified PCV4, all
PCVs (PCV2–3) and PPVs (PPV1–7) were present in the examined herd in at least one type
of diagnostic material.