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dc.contributor.authorMoysan, Louise
dc.description.abstractDeiters’ cells are important supporting cells of the sensory receptor cells in the organ of Corti. They provide a physical and metabolic support to the outer hair cells, modulate their electromotility and contribute to the cochlear amplification of the sound. However, their role and their mechanism of action are not completely understood. The purpose of developing a deeper understanding of the Deiters’ cells’ functions and properties is believed to have an interest in pharmacological and therapeutical treatments. It could help improve hearing and develop a possible treatment for hearing impairment. To this context, Ca2+ signalling pathways in Deiters’ cells are studied to provide insight into the regulation of their intracellular processes and intercellular communication.en_US
dc.titleComputational simulation and investigation of gap junction coupling of Deiters’ cells in the hearing organen_US

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