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dc.contributor.authorTroger, Tahani
dc.description.abstractThe serum melatonin concentration during gestation is a little studied area among livestock. The aim of this study was to focus on nocturnal serum melatonin concentration in connection to the reproductive cycle and gestation. The authors measured the blood serum melatonin concentration at different stages of gestation of nine pregnant Hungarian fallow donkey mares and nine non-pregnant controls at a nucleus farm located in Bőszénfa. Blood samples were taken from the jugular vein into blood tubes containing EDTA during nights. Animals were kept in closed dark stable and samplings were done with use of red light at <1 lux.en_US
dc.titleDistribution of serum melatonin concentration in pregnant Hungarian Fallow Donkey maresen_US
dc.title.alternativeA szérum melatonin koncentráció alakulása vemhes magyar parlagi szamár kancákbanen_US

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