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dc.contributor.authorViken, Julie Therese
dc.description.abstractThis text provides some insight into the lives of wild animals exhibited in menageries, focusing on the welfare and legal aspects. How a circus environment and other cofactors can influence the welfare, health, and behavior of these animals. Captive animals in circuses are more likely to develop abnormal behavior patterns like stereotypies due to stress and lack of proper stimuli. Certain health issues are more commonly seen in captive animals then their wild conspecifics. The correlation between high stress levels, housing and keeping conditions, handling, and the effect it may exert on animals in captivity.en_US
dc.titleWild animals in circuses, a comparison of international legislations and animal welfare aspectsen_US
dc.title.alternativeVadon élő állatok a cirkuszokban - nemzetközi kitekintés és állatvédelmi aspektusoken_US

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