Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis törzsek vizsgálata a maggenomot célzó multilókusz szekvenciatipizáló módszerrel
Background: Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis is a waterfowl pathogen that mainly infects geese, and can cause significant economic losses. With the advance of whole genome sequencing technologies, new methods are available ...
Állatorvosi szakértői tevékenység a laboratóriumi vizsgálatok tükrében
Background: In Hungary, animal cruelty is a felony sanctioned by the Penal Code. Experts can greatly assist juries in issuing appropriate judicial verdicts. Expert findings that cover the necessary details and answer all ...
A magyarországi állatorvostan-hallgatók pályaválasztásának motivációs tényezői 2016 és 2020 között
Background: Over the last few decades students’ expectations towards higher education, including the veterinary studies, have changed significantly. Understanding students’ motivations is a prerequisite for adapting to ...
A kutyák circovírusa és kórtani jelentősége
The authors in this literature review summarize the most important knowledge about canine circovirus. Circoviruses are small, non-enveloped, highly resistant, circular single-stranded DNA viruses belonging to the family ...
A szubklinikai hypocalcaemia előfordulása magyarországi tehenészetekben
Background: The imbalance of macro mineral household around calving can lead to fatal consequences. Clinical hypocalcaemia is featured by the recumbence of the animal, while recently, the definition of subclinical hypocalcaemia ...