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dc.contributor.authorKorsós, Gabriella
dc.contributor.authorBozsó, Dorottya
dc.contributor.authorFodor, Kinga
dc.identifier.citationMagyar Állatorvosok Lapja 146(7), 419-436. (2024)en_US
dc.description.abstractAnimal protection is a concept we use every day but most of us do not even know its exact history. This summary covers the history and trends in animal protection from ancient times to the mid-20th century. Animal protection has become a discipline in its own right in the 21st century, clearly an interdisciplinary field with direct social, economic and public health implications, among others, and we must not forget its ethical implications. The protection of animals has been around since time immemorial, is and has been closely linked to the social, religious, political and cultural context of the time, and its perception depends to a large extent on the emotional state of the observer. Therefore, in order to develop a real professional background for animal protection as a discipline in its own right, we should not only establish its veterinary, legal and ethical foundations, but also know its past and its history of development, so as to avoid in the future the pitfalls, errors and extremist manifestations that have been part of it many times and for many periods in history. And also to understand (sometimes very) different points of view from our own.en_US
dc.titleAz állatvédelem története az őskortól a 20. század közepéig : Irodalmi összefoglalóen_US
dc.title.alternativeHistory of animal protection from prehistoric times to the middle of the 20th century : Literature rewiewen_US

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