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dc.contributor.authorBoarder, Cecily Marie Isabelle
dc.description.abstractWith poultry species being one of the most numerous of any sentient animal facing slaughter for human consumption, their protection especially at the time of slaughter is greatly important in the development of animal welfare. Electrical water bath stunning involves birds being consciously shackled before having their heads dropped into an electrically charged water bath, CAS involves exposing the birds to a possible mixture of gasses and increasing the concentration and mechanical stunning includes the use of captive bolts and Cervical Neck Dislocation. The main current issues predominantly surround pre-stun shackling, insufficient training for slaughterhouse operators, and the degree of effectiveness of the method. Through research aimed at the reduction of these issues, future poultry welfare can be protected.en_US
dc.titleA Welfare Review of Different Stunning Methods in Poultry Slaughteren_US

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