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dc.contributor.authorNolan, Sarah-Louise
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to investigate and analyse the management of dairy calf health and hygiene on several dairy farms in Ireland. This research was carried out because statistics from the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) demonstrate that dairy calf registrations are increasing steadily each year, indicating that correct management and good hygiene of calves is becoming increasingly vital in ensuring optimal herd health. In September and October 2023, I distributed an online survey to dairy farmers in Ireland, it received twenty responses. The survey offered an insight on the differences in dairy herd size and calf health between 2014 (the year prior to abolition of the milk quota) and 2022. 95% of surveyed farms reported an increase in herd size.en_US
dc.titleDairy calf health and hygiene management in Irelanden_US
dc.title.alternativeTejhasznú borjak egészségügyi és higiéniai menedzsmentje Írországbanen_US

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