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dc.contributor.authorMolnar, Lily
dc.description.abstractSmall exotic mammals are gaining popularity as household pets, and, similarly to dogs and cats, species specific diseases affect them; however, significantly fewer comprehensive epidemiological studies have been done on small exotic mammals. The aim of the present study is to compare the biopsy results of small exotic mammal pets to their clinical signs at the time of presentation. Twenty-eight samples were biopsied for histopathological review from patients at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest Exotic Veterinary Clinic. The samples were examined over a four-month period. Nineteen samples originated from guinea pigs, three from rabbits, five from rats, and one sample from a Syrian hamster.en_US
dc.titleComparing histopathological results of 28 biopsy samples from small exotic mammals – guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), rats (Rattus norvegicus domesticus), and a hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) with presenting clinical signsen_US

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