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dc.contributor.authorAntal, Mónika
dc.description.abstractThe rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is considered one of the most important health challenges of the 21st century. Every opportunity that contributes to preserving the effectiveness of antimicrobials is of particular interest. E. coli is a pathogenic bacterium of major importance from both human and animal health perspective and is also susceptible to the development of resistance. In veterinary medicine, fluoroquinolone antibiotics, including enrofloxacin, are frequently used to treat diseases caused by E. coli. Recent experiments have highlighted the important role of oxidative stress in the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and the use of antioxidant compounds in this field may be considered. In our research, we investigated the potential of some antioxidant compounds to combat AMR.en_US
dc.titleAntibakteriális rezisztencia kialakulását gátló hatóanyagok vizsgálataen_US
dc.title.alternativeJuvenile pubic symphysiodesis and double pelvic osteotomy surgical procedures for treatmeant of hip dysplasia in young dogsen_US

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