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dc.contributor.authorTorvik Knutsen, Hanna
dc.description.abstractThere are several molecular markers which we determine to prove neoplastic processes in the human and animal body. Biomarkers have been used for clinical diagnostics in human medicine for many years, especially in the diagnostic and further workup of cancer. In the field of veterinary medicine, biomarkers are also used, however lagging a few steps behind its human counterparts. As life expectancy increases, the incidence of cancerous patients is also expected to remain high in the coming years. Consequently, this topic holds significant relevance for future veterinarians who may encounter cancer patients or those who could engage in disease screening and prevention efforts.en_US
dc.titleMinireview: Biomarkers in veterinary oncology – with the focus on blood biomarkers A literature reviewen_US
dc.title.alternativeMinireview: biomarkerek az állatorvosi onkológiában – Külnös tekintettel a vérben mérhetó biomarkerekre Irodalmi összefoglalóen_US

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