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dc.contributor.authorGräfin von Pfeil, Anna
dc.description.abstractFor many years, dogs, often referred to as man's closest companions, served as the primary scent-detection tool in both civilian and military applications. Recently, numerous studies have shed light on the remarkable olfactory abilities of dogs, particularly in the realm of medical diagnostics, where they excel in identifying various infectious, metabolic, and neoplastic conditions. This newfound recognition is especially significant given that cancer ranks among the leading causes of death, and during pandemics like Covid-19, when human resources may be insufficient. It prompts us to reconsider the invaluable role our beloved canine friends can play. Dogs possess an exceptional sense of smell, allowing them to detect diseases and metabolic changes, often long before they become detectable by advanced technological machines and complex laboratory methods.en_US
dc.titleDogs as diagnostic toolsen_US

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