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dc.contributor.authorSkinner, Louise
dc.description.abstractLeptospirosis is an important zoonotic disease found globally, in 2014 due to the launch of a new tetravalent vaccination and vaccine related reactions believed to be associated, it reached the public domain as a topic of debate. Not much is known about the current uptake of vaccinations and dog owner understanding of the disease and its vaccinations within the United Kingdom (UK) dog owning population. The study aimed to analyse UK dog owner awareness and perceived risk of leptospirosis based on an online survey. 259 valid respondents were obtained. Results showed that awareness of leptospirosis correlated positively with high rainfall areas, multi-dog households, owners who obtain their dogs from abroad and those who visit the veterinarian twice yearly.en_US
dc.titleA cross-sectional study of dog owners’ awareness and perceived risk of leptospirosis and leptospirosis vaccination in the United Kingdom based on survey data in the period of November 2022-June 2023.en_US
dc.title.alternativeEgy keresztmetszeti tanulmány a kutyatulajdonosok leptospirózissal és leptospirózis elleni védőoltással kapcsolatos tudatosságáról és észlelt kockázatáról az Egyesült Királyságban, felmérési adatok alapján a 2022. november és 2023. június közötti időszakban.en_US

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