Browsing Állatorvostudományi Egyetem / University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest by Subject "fajták"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Development and uses of easy care sheep
(2014)An easy care sheep is a sheep that requires minimal shepherding, sheds its fleece, is a non-selective eater, has excellent mothering ability and has a higher resistance to common diseases such as fly strike. Easy care ... -
Die Gangpferderasse Aegidienberger
(2013)The gaited breed “Aegidienberger” was developed on base of a breeding- idea of Walter Feldmann sen. and Walter Feldmann jun. 1982. By expert advice of Dr. Dohn the head of breeding management of the rhenish stud book and ... -
Diversity Changes of the Irish Draught Horse during Breed Development
(2013)The Irish Draught is an animal that is deeply entrenched in the history of Ireland. From its original use as all purpose animal on the farm to the modern horse we see today, the Irish Draught has earned its right to be ...