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dc.contributor.authorBaugh, Susan
dc.description.abstractIt has already been established that blue light from light emitting diodes directed at a single eye elicits a dose dependent suppression of melatonin in horses (Walsh et al 2012). A suppression in melatonin increases gonadotropin releasing hormone pulse frequency which advances the onset of estrus in mares (Cleaver et al 1991). In this experiment, we carry on from this point, investigating the effects of light therapy from light masks to the mare during her gestation period and the subsequent effect this has on gestation length and birth weight of the foal. We also aim to determine the relationship between administering light therapy via the light mask and rate of coat shedding in mares. Furthermore, we aim to investigate the most recent scientific publications on the topic of light therapy in equines. We trace the evolution of this science and evaluate its application in the equine Industry.en_US
dc.titleTo Investigate the Effect of Light Therapy in Gestation Length and Foal Birth Weight in the Thoroughbred Mareen_US

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