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dc.contributor.authorJakab, Szilvia
dc.contributor.authorBányai, Krisztián
dc.contributor.authorBali, Krisztina
dc.contributor.authorNemes, Imre
dc.contributor.authorBálint, Ádám
dc.contributor.authorSzabó, István
dc.identifier.citationJakab S, Bányai K, Bali K, Nemes I, Bálint Á, Szabó I. Transmission Dynamics of Imported Vaccine-Origin PRRSV-2 within and between Commercial Swine Integrations in Hungary. Animals (Basel). 2023 Oct 2;13(19):3080. doi: 10.3390/ani13193080en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study reports on the molecular epidemiology of Ingelvac-PRRS-MLV-associated cases in Hungary for the period 2020-2021. Field epidemiology investigations led the experts to conclude that imported pigs, which were shipped through transit stations in Denmark, introduced the vaccine virus. The movement of fatteners and the neglect of disease control measures contributed to the spread of the virus to PRRS-free pig holdings in the vicinity. Deep sequencing was performed to genetically characterize the genes coding for the virion antigens (i.e., ORF2 through ORF7). The study isolates exhibited a range of 0.1 to 1.8% nucleotide sequence divergence from the Ingelvac PRRS MLV and identified numerous polymorphic sites (up to 57 sites) along the amplified 3.2 kilo base pair genomic region. Our findings confirm that some PRRSV-2 vaccine strains can accumulate very high number of point mutations within a short period in immunologically naive pig herds.en_US
dc.titleTransmission Dynamics of Imported Vaccine-Origin PRRSV-2 within and between Commercial Swine Integrations in Hungaryen_US

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