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dc.contributor.authorReilly, Aine
dc.description.abstractIn this paper entitled “Calf Management and its Consequences”, I discussed different aspect of calf management primarily in Ireland. After completing this work I am in support of the theory that management in calf and cattle farming is one of the most important determining factors regarding the viability of the farms in question. I discussed each aspect in the life of the calve, initially I discussed the importance during the periparturient periods, then I moved to calving management at parturition, care of the newborn, colostrums management ,nutrition and weaning. Management of the most important disease were also analyzed. The aim of this work is to high light the problem and make to particular emphasis on the preventive measures as this in whole will minimize the losses suffered by the farmers. Keeping this in mind I believe the most important factor within the calf management protocol is the availability of knowledge and rigors efforts in maintaining hygiene. I am of the opinion that that Irish farmers weather it is a small scale or a large scale operation try their best to maintain hygiene protocols. However a major problem these farmers are consequently faced with is the high cost and expenses needed to continue high standards of hygiene. Most farmers in Ireland are well educated in the field of calf management but more often than not the hygiene standards can be set aside by the impending costs and expenses. Ireland is an agricultural based country where farming is vital to sustain our economy even more so in the current economic climate. Agriculture is one of the main employment sectors in Ireland and it can be said its contribution to the economy is vital. For this reason I think that more funds, financial and educational support should be made more accessible. The main foundations of correct calf management is correct hygiene when this is maintained and kept to the fore other secondary problems are minimized.en
dc.subjectJurkovich Viktor (supervisor)hu
dc.subjectFarm business managementen
dc.titleCalf management and its consequencesen

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