Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 726
A szívritmus-változékonyság vizsgálata tejelő teheneken akut stresszhatás ideje alatt - előzetes eredmények
(2014)E szakdolgozat témája a szarvasmarhákon végzett rektális vizsgálat következményeinek vizsgálata. Habár a vizsgálat nem invazív, sok esetben mégis fájdalommal jár az állatnak. Mindezidáig a rektális vizsgálat okozta stressz ... -
A haszonállatok halal vágása, a rituális vágás élelmiszer-biztonsági kérdései, hatása a húsminőségre
(2014)A modern nyugati mellett a második legelterjedtebb vágásmód a világon a muszlim halal vágás. A halal termékek piaca az elmúlt néhány évtizedben páratlan fejlődést tudhat a magáénak, mára az élelmiszer-kereskedelem jelentős ... -
CTTA: egy új módszer kutyák elülső kereszteződő szalag szakadásának gyógykezelésére - preoperatív tervezés és műtéti technika
(2014)Kutyákban a hátsó láb sántaság leggyakoribb oka a térdízületben található elülső kereszteződő szalag szakadása. Kóroktana igen összetett, még ma is zajlanak ez irányba kutatások. A szalag szakadása után nem képes meggyógyulni, ... -
Seroprevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in Hungary : situation before launching an eradication campaign
(2014)Bovine viral diarrhoea through its various manifestations is the leading cause of economic loss in the Hungarian cattle industry. This study used ELISA analysis of blood samples taken from a cohort that would be representative ... -
Estrus synchronization in cattle
(2014)The purpose of estrus synchronization is to manipulate the bovine estrus cycle and achieve a result were the majority of animals on a farm exhibits standing heat in a short period of time. It is a very effective method to ... -
Genetics and markers of navicular disease in warmblood sport horses
(2014)The aim of the study was to do a review of the studies regarding the genetic background of navicular disease in sports horses. Navicular disease is a common locomotor disorder in horses with a polygenetic background and ... -
Examination and measurements of the canine lens with B-mode ultrasound
(2014)This article is enlightening questions about correlations between the diameter of the lens, the axial global length and the body size of dogs. Larger dogs have larger anatomically structures than smaller dogs, and the ... -
Control of ketosis in the periparturient dairy cow
(2014)Ketosis is a common ailment of the high producing dairy cow during lactation. From studying literature and texts, it is a recognised metabolic disease of cows during, and resulting from, the transition period. A number of ... -
An overview of infectious causes of abortion in Ireland in 2013
(2014)Bovine abortions cause major financial loss to the farming industry of Ireland each year. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the prevalence and trends of common infectious bovine abortifacients in Ireland in 2013. It ... -
Investigation of prevalence of supernumerary teat in livestock
(2014)Supernumerary mammary teat or "polythelia" is a congenital and inherited defect in the mammary gland of cattle, sheep, goats and swine. This report intends to investigate the genetics behind the disorder in each of these ... -
Corneal cytology as a valuable diagnostic tool in different pathological conditions of the equine cornea
(2014)Unimpaired anatomical and physiological characteristics of the cornea are crucial for good, unrestricted eyesight. Numerous biochemical and physical functions are essential to maintain those precious properties. In order ... -
Endometritis in thoroughbred broodmares : a literature review, comparison of the results of swab techniques from the 2013 and 2014 seasons and a retrospective review of the post-breeding treatment of 16 mares
(2014)Endometritis is reported to be the third most common cause of disease in adult horses. The diagnosis and treatment of this condition have massive financial implications for both the practitioner and the breeder. The aim ... -
Major viral abortions in cattle in Ireland
(2014)There was almost a 20% decrease in the amount of positive cases of BVD being reported in new-born animals from 2013 to 2014. The number of positive BVD herds also decreased but herds with one or more PI’s increased. This ... -
A comparison of the diagnostic protocols used in screening for contagious equine metritis (CEM) in the United Kingdom and the United States
(2014)The aim of this literature review was to provide a synopsis of the current diagnostic protocols that are used to detect carriers of contagious equine metritis (CEM) in the United States and in the United Kingdom, establish ... -
Embryo transfer in horses : method, possibilities and limitations
(2014)There are a lot of challenges with embryo transfer in horses. The difficulties with synchronising mares, the lack of superovulation and the fact that freezing equine embryos is not working very well, are all limiting ... -
Development and uses of easy care sheep
(2014)An easy care sheep is a sheep that requires minimal shepherding, sheds its fleece, is a non-selective eater, has excellent mothering ability and has a higher resistance to common diseases such as fly strike. Easy care ... -
The prevalence of ocular and auditory abnormalities in Merle dogs : review of literature
(2014)Merle pattern coats in dogs has been described from centuries in many breeds of domestic dog. Until recently the reason some dogs were born with this unique and beautiful pattern was a mystery. In fact it was not until ... -
Measuring welfare quality in loose and tied housing in Norwegian dairy cows
(2014)The aim of this thesis was to highlight the different factors playing a part of the two different housing systems regarding dairy cattle; tie-stall and loose housing barns in Norway. Several aspects of the discussion ... -
A serological and virological investigation into the prevalence of enteric and respiratory coronaviruses in the Hungarian and Austrian dog population
(2014)The presence of CECoV and CRCoV was previously demonstrated in the Hungarian dog population by Lakatos et al in 2013. This study quantified the prevalence of these viruses in Hungarian dogs of different epizootiological ... -
Non invasive measurement of cortisol in the domestic species : review of literature
(2014)The measurement of cortisol is most commonly used in assessing the stress level in animals. Continually increasing welfare standards in both companion animal and production animal sectors worldwide has put more focus on ...