Theses: Új feltöltések
241-260 tétel 726 közül
A protein kináz D (PKD) mutációjának hatása a hippokampális szinapszisok szerkezetére
(2013)Protein kinase D (PKD) is a serine-threonine kinase which can be found in a variety of cell types at various subcellular locations and it has a wide substrate specificity. Consequently, it is implicated in the regulation ... -
Prototheca zopfii alga környezeti előfordulásának vizsgálata tejelő tehenészetekben
(2013)My thesis theme was stock screening and environmental assessment in 4 dairy cattle farm, which was carrying out a large number of mastitis caused by P. zopfii. Samples were taken at different time points, and then subsequently, ... -
Az állatorvoslás, mint hivatás elemzése a Budapesten dolgozó állatorvosok véleményének tükrében
(2013)According to my diploma studies in the Faculty of Veterinary Science, I exanimate how veterinarians form Budapest think about relationship between the gender and profession in their career. -
Génmegőrzés az állattenyésztésben
(2013)Many mammal and poultry species have become endangered or reached the edge of extinction. Due to the rapid increase of the population large quantities of food products have to be produced. This may only be achieved by ... -
Ivartalanítás hatása a patkányok anyagcseréjére
(2013)The goal of this experiment was to check if there are any differences between neutered and intact rats in connection with their weight gain, feed consumption, digestibility of nutrients and body composition. A total of 11 ... -
Kan kutyák ivartalanításának hatásai : A viselkedés és a tesztoszteronszint változása, vélemények az ivartalanításról
(2013)It is commonly known that castrated male dogs are more calm and there is less trouble with them than intact males. Despite that, if it comes down to their own dogs, the owners won´t accept the operation that easily. ... -
Ivari ciklus során bekövetkező hormonális változások hatása a szérum leptin szint változására szuka kutyában
(2013)The hormone called leptin is mainly produced by white fat cells and could be important as a marker for determining the grade of obesity. It´s role is more often emphasized in the pathogenesis of metabolic diseases. Besides ... -
A tejhasznú juh- és kecsketartás jelen és versenyképessége Magyarországon és az Európai Unióban
(2013)The keeping requirements of the goat and the sheep are as demanding as that of the cattle, and the market demand of goat- and sheep diary-products grows continually. Despite this the sectors in Hungary are in difficult ... -
Az állatorvoslás, mint hivatás elemzése a Nógrád megyében dolgozó állatorvosok véleményének tükrében
(2013)Within the context of my dissertation work undertaken at the Department of State Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Economics I had analyzed how veterinarians living in Nógrád County view their own profession as a function ... -
Az ultrahangvizsgálat szerepe a szibériai tokhalak ivarmeghatározásában
(2013)Our aim was to study the ultrasound sex determination and precision of the method in a Siberian sturgeon population. The data collection was carried out at a Hungarian, large fish colony. 30 pieces, 4 years old, 2.0 to 6.3 ... -
Case Study on Milk Yield, Health and Reproduction of High Yielding Cows Fed with Clostridium Contaminated Alfalfa Haylage
(2013)In this study, the possible effects of Clostridium contaminated feedstuff on high lactating dairy cattle are discussed on the example of a Hungarian dairy operation. At that time, the dairy farm had reported an increase ... -
The Emergence and Spread of Schmallenberg Virus in Europe
(2013)The recent outbreak of SBV across Europe is a reminder that new diseases continue to threaten our livestock. Factors such as worldwide exports could have contributed to the emergence of new viruses in Europe, such as ... -
Epidemiologic and Phylogenetic Analysis of Emerging Porcine Parvoviruses in Croatia
(2013)With the aim of investigating if the emerging porcine parvoviruses (PPVs) exists in Croatia, 83 postmortem samples from different organs were collected from 14 Croatian farms. ORFs of these samples were amplified with PCR ... -
Epidemiology and Control of BVDV in Europe
(2013)2013 saw the launch of Ireland’s compulsory programme for the eradication and control of BVD. When I begin my profession as a veterinary practitioner I feel that the knowledge and insights I will have gained from this ... -
Die Gangpferderasse Aegidienberger
(2013)The gaited breed “Aegidienberger” was developed on base of a breeding- idea of Walter Feldmann sen. and Walter Feldmann jun. 1982. By expert advice of Dr. Dohn the head of breeding management of the rhenish stud book and ... -
Symphytum officinale : Common Comfrey
(2013)Even today we still know the abilities of comfrey, but in the last few decades it has mostly been used by holistic therapist and not by conventional therapists. The major reason is due to the increasing use of pharmaceuticals, ... -
"Escherechia coli, a Foodborne Pathogen, Specific Reference to Verocytotoxigenic E.coli, E.coli O157:H7 and a Review of Several Outbreaks of E.coli"
(2013)This Thesis will refer specifically to E.coli as a foodborne pathogen, the Verocytotoxigenic E.coli, VTEC, O157:H7, the symptoms of clinical disease it can incur and some trends of VTEC infections in the European Union. ... -
Zur Genetik der Osteochondrose bei Sportpferden
(2013)The Osteochondrosis (OC) is the most important developmental disturbance of the juvenile horse and has a massive economical impact on the equine industry. It is a degenerative joint disease that occurs due to a disturbance ... -
Chronic Stress in Cattle and Lameness as a Possible Chronic Stressor
(2013)There is a close relationship between animal welfare and stress. A good indicator of animal welfare can be the absence of stress. Chronic stress is associated with a long-term condition were the animal cannot fully ... -
Lafora Disease as a Cause of Epilepsy in Dogs
(2013)Lafora disease is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease described first by Lafora and Glück in 1911. The typical symptom of Lafora disease is the accumulation of intracellular polyglucosan bodies, among others ...