Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 281-300 of 726
Német juhászkutyák viselkedésteszttel való összehasonlító vizsgálata
(2013)It is common in dog breeding, that show and working lines are appearing in the same breed. These lines are different in their appearance and behavior too. I joined the investigations of Szent István University ... -
Hazai macskák Otodectes cynotis fertőzöttségének vizsgálata
(2013)The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of the ear mite, O. cynotis, in domestic cats hold in different parts of the country. Deep ear swab samples were taken from each ear for microscopic examination in ... -
Hazai macskák orsóféreg fertőzöttségének újabb adatai
(2013)Infection of Toxocara cati in felines was examined in 275 cats around the country with simple floatation process in fecal samples. The overall prevalence of cats with Toxocara cati was 18,18%. 50 cats from the 275. Cats ... -
Epiphysealis dysplasia (ED), kezdődő diabetes mellitus és patellaficam együttes előfordulása egy brit rövidszőrű macskában
(2013)A 23-month-old neutered, overweight, castrated male cat was presented with hind limb lameness. By the physical examination the patient could not stand up on hind limbs, the rotation of the hip was painfull, and bilateral ... -
A hazai kutyák Anaplasma phagocytophilum fertőzöttsége
(2013)There are several pathogens among those transmitted by ticks, which present a threat both to animal and public health. Among these is the Anaplasma phagocytophilumspread by the Ixodes ricinus, which mostly goes undetected ... -
Eosinophiliával járó betegségek a kisállatpraxisban
(2013)Eosinophil granulocytes having multiple and complex task within the body are the target of many investigations. They are produced in the bone marrow during myelopoesis, stimulated by IL-5, IL-3, and the granulocyte-macrophage ... -
How the Different Noise Types May Influence the Open-field Behavior of Rats?
(2013)The acoustic environment, included noises, is an utmost important component of the animals’ welfare. Environmental noises are harmful to the laboratory animals, therefore author tested the effect of different noise types. ... -
Is Mice Behavior Influenced by Music?
(2013)Is mice behaviour influenced by music? An effect of music on the behaviour of humans and animals has been shown in different experiments. Already anecdotal reports show that continuous and consistent background music can ... -
The Influence of Different Musical Stilmulation on the Growth Rate of Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio)
(2013)The aim of my study was to verify if classical music really enhances the growth rate in Koi carp as shown in the study performed by by VASANTHA et al. (2003). We also wanted to verify if, classical music or music in ... -
A retinás ribbon szinapszisok : Szinaptikus ribbonok a retina patológiás folyamatainak hátterében
(2013)From the collected data of many years of research it is already known that retinal synaptic ribbons look like electron dense, osmiphilic, plate-like proteinaceous bodies on EM pictures that are surrounded by synaptic ... -
Gazdaivar- és korfüggő transzmissziós mintázatok a kék vércsék (Falco vespertinus) tolltetveinél
(2013)The effect of various parasites on their hosts has been widely studied, however how host traits affect parasites is less often in the focus of scientific interest. Avian lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) are permanent obligatory ... -
A kelési diszperzió vizsgálata a magyarországi parlagisas-populációban
(2013)The Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) is a globally threatened raptor species, being distributed from the Carpathian basin to the Baikal Lake. The world’s total breeding population of the species is about 3000-7000 ... -
Csecsemőkori stresszreaktivitás viselkedési és fiziológiai vizsgálata
(2013)Temperament is a moderately stable characteristic, which shows individual differences and can be detected in individual behavioral patterns. Certain dimensions of temperament can be investigated in the early stages of ... -
A Deinococcus radiodurans Nudix fehérjéjének klónozása, expressziója és enzimaktivitásának mérése
(2013)The aim of my work was the experimental examination of the disordered regions to verify my hypothesis. For this it was necessary to produce the wild-type Nudix DR0550 protein. I cloned the DNA region coding for the enzyme, ... -
Az oxitocinos és a szociális interakciókkal való előkezelés hatása a negatív érzelmi kifejezésű arcok észlelésére
(2013)Oxytocin has been shown to affect several aspects of animal and human social cognition, including facial emotion processing. There is also evidence that social stimuli (such as eye-contact) and exogenously administrated ... -
Kannabinoidok hatása a magatartási stressz-válaszra
(2013)It was previously shown, that the hypothalamus–hypophisis–adrenal-axis (HPA-axis) function is strongly controlled by the endocannabinoid system. Enhancement of anandamide signaling by the blockade of its degradation increased ... -
A mitokondriális DNS kontroll régiójának szekvencia variabilitása vaddisznókban
(2013)In biological sciences, in animal breeding and foraging studies it is usually necessary to identify the origin of a questioned sample. These studies are based on nucleotide sequence methods that investigate the extracted ... -
A vaddisznók (Sus scrofa) kortizolszintjének alakulása különböző élethelyzetekben
(2013)Keeping boars in gaming parks can cause stress, especially to those born in their native habitat as opposed to boars born in their natural environment. In these gaming parks, their population density can only add to this ... -
Az állatkísérletek különböző nézőpontú megítélésének kérdőíves vizsgálata
(2013)In my thesis, on which I have worked in cooperation with the Department of State Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Economics, I examined people’s attitude towards animal testing. I wished to assess their mentality, ... -
Egyedi sejtek elektroporációs töltése Ca2+-érzékeny festékkel halló egerek corti-szervének funkcionális imaging vizsgálatához
(2013)Impairment of hearing is the most common sensory deficit in the human population. Sensorineural hearing losses (SNHLs) are the incurable forms of this impairment at present. In this case the lesion affects the inner ear ...