HuVetA [NEW]: Új feltöltések
341-360 tétel 3911 közül
Hepatic cellular carcinoma in a dwarf pet rat: a case study
(2023)Rats are becoming more popular as pets and understanding them as patients is essential. They are known to be prone to tumors, but liver tumors in rats are considered very rare and literature is scarce. This case study ... -
(2023)Currently, Norway is not an official Member state of the European Union. However, the two parties have a close relationship through the European Economic Area (EEA) agreement Norway has with the European Union. There ... -
A sebészi terápiája hatékonyságának vizsgálata pre- és posztoperatív klinikai és radiológia adatok elemzésével Hansen I típusú porckorongsérves kutyákban
(2023)A kutyák leggyakoribb gerincbetegsége a Hansen I típusú porckorong sérv, mely 3,5% prevalenciával fordul elő. A betegség degeneratív jellegű, melynek kóroktanát sikerült korábban megismerni. Genetikai vizsgálatok ... -
The application of the 12-lead ECG in healthy dogs
(2023)Electrocardiography (ECG) is a medical test that records the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time. It is a common diagnostic tool used to assess the heart's rhythm, rate, and overall electrical function. ... -
Molecular investigation of protozoan parasites that are potential causes of eye lesions in dogs and cats
(2023)Bacteria and viruses can be the cause of many ophthalmic lesions of infectious origin, however, protozoan parasites have the potential to also be the source of such lesions. Among the others, opportunistic protozoa, ... -
Epizootic rabbit enteropathy: History, effects on the rabbit industry and recent advances in molecular microbiology
(2023)Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy (ERE) is a complex gastrointestinal disease affecting domestic rabbits, characterized by abdominal distention, acute enteric distress, and increased morbidity and mortality. It is the primary ... -
Molecular and morphological analysis of tropical jumping spiders of the genus Maltecora Simon, 1909.
(2021)Commonly known as jumping spiders, Salticidae are distinguished from other spider groups by their superb eyesight. Spiders with such excellent visual abilities frequently have bright colours, which are often used in ... -
Detection of Flavivirus (West Nile Fever Virus and Usutu Virus) in the samples of mosquitoes collected in Hungary
(2023)As vectors of various pathogens, mosquitoes hold a significant role in human and veterinary medicine. Their capacity to transmit a wide spectrum of potentially deadly diseases, including viruses belonging to the ... -
Equine Exercise Physiology: A Literature Review on the Cardiology of the Racehorse & Performance-based Abnormalities
(2023)The success of the Irish Thoroughbred in racing is largely attributed to its remarkable cardiovascular system, amongst other advantages. Compared to other racehorse breeds, they have superior basic cardiac and haemodynamic ... -
Anti-cancer mechanism of p53 gene and its application for treatment
(2023)The p53 protein is a transcriptional active factor and occupies a pivotal part of the mechanism of action related to cancer suppression through multi-area regulation. mdm2 is a well-known p53 regulator that maintains ... -
Minőségi paraméterek változásának nyomonkövetése friss csirkemellfilé változó hőmérsékleten történő tárolása során
(2024-07)Background: The quality and safety of food products depend on storage conditions, particularly for refrigerated items, where maintaining specified temperatures from processing to consumer handling is vital to prevent ... -
Az állatvédelem története az őskortól a 20. század közepéig : Irodalmi összefoglaló
(2024-07)Animal protection is a concept we use every day but most of us do not even know its exact history. This summary covers the history and trends in animal protection from ancient times to the mid-20th century. Animal protection ... -
Streptococcus suis: a kórokozó mikrobiológiája és laboratóriumi diagnosztikája : Irodalmi áttekintés – I. rész
(2024-07)Streptococcus suis is a facultative pathogenic and zoonotic bacterium, that occurs worldwide. It can be found in all age groups in industrial pig farming, as well as in small backyard stocks, and has also been detected ... -
Az embrióátültetést követő különböző napokon adott GnRH-injekció hatása a tehenek vemhesülési arányára
(2024-07)This study investigated the effect of GnRH, administered on days 4 and 5 after the transfer of fresh embryos to beef heifers, on the conception rate. For this purpose, thirty Simmental cows were used as donors in the ... -
Foghúzás következtében kialakuló bakteriális meningitis egy camargue kancában : Esetismertetés
(2024-07)Background: Bacterial meningitis following a routine standing cheek tooth extraction is an uncommon disease in horses. This case report is one of the first described fall of meningitis resulting from 107 tooth extraction ... -
Management of a non-union tibial fracture using a combination of medial and caudal locking bone plates in a four-year-old neutered male dog: A literature review and case report.
(2023)Tibial fractures in canines are a relatively common event, most frequently as a result of trauma. Management of these injuries can pose a significant challenge for veterinary surgeons due to complexities in anatomy and ... -
A retrospective study of the expression of TNFalpha in canine chronic enteropathies
(2023)In this retrospective study, we study the expression of the cytokine TNFalpha in the GI tract of canine patients with chronic enteropathies. We are interested in investigating if there is a correlation between the expression ... -
Clinical Presentation and Dermatopathology of Generalised Demodicosis in Canine Patients
(2023)The physiology of an organism is very complex. Most if not all of the topics surrounding internal medicine are on one hand unique, but are on the other hand tightly dependent on each other’s mechanisms. Thus, when one ... -
A study comparing the success rate of fresh versus frozen semen samples when used in embryo transfer in horses
(2023)This paper is written about a study taken place to investigate and compare the success rate of fresh semen versus frozen semen when used in embryo transfer in horses. To do this we looked at a group of both registered ... -
Comparison of urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio in urine samples taken by cystocentesis or free catch method
(2023)Urinalysis is an important tool to find different diseases. There are various methods to sample urine in dogs; this thesis focuses on the free catch and cystocentesis sampling methods. The aim of our study was to determine ...