HuVetA [NEW]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 561-580 of 3911
D-dimer essays in dogs for diagnostic purposes (A literature review)
(2022)D-dimer is a soluble fibrin degradation product originating from the plasmin-mediated degradation of cross-linked fibrin. Thus, D-dimer is thought of to be a biomarker for the activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis ... -
The effects of chicoric acid on chicken primary hepatic cell cocultures under viral RNA analog induced inflammation
(2021)Causative agents of hepatitis-hydropericardium, runting-stunting syndrome, chicken anemia and infectious bursal disease play a major role in the poultry industry, even in vaccinated flocks. The organ damage is triggered ... -
(2022)This thesis is based on the results of a survey carried out in 2021 to 2022 on the prevalence of abomasal disorders on 13 Irish farms. Questions were compiled based on the feeding, stocking and cleaning practices on ... -
3-amidinofenilalanin-típusú vegyületek biotranszformációjának in vitro összehasonlítása különböző állatfajokban
(2021)A transzmembrán szerin proteáz 2 enzimek (TMPRSS2) aktivitása kulcsfontosságú a hámeredetű daganatok (emlőcarcinoma, prosztatarák) kialakulásában és negatív irányú prognózisában, illetve az egyes vírusok (koronavírus, ... -
Deep Freezing of Mangalica Boar Semen
(2022)Artificial insemination (AI) is used globally throughout the swine industry, at present the most used method is with liquid semen, which has very successful results. In recent years, the cryopreservation of swine semen ... -
Kutya szívférgesség előfordulásának retrospektív vizsgálata egy állatorvosi rendelőben
(2022)A kutyák Dirofilaria immitis okozta szívférgessége az utóbbi két évtizedben gyakoribbá vált Európa mérsékelt égövi területein, így Magyarországon is, ahol az első autochton esetet 2007-ben állapították meg. Az elvégzett ... -
Wild animals in circuses, a comparison of international legislations and animal welfare aspects
(2022)This text provides some insight into the lives of wild animals exhibited in menageries, focusing on the welfare and legal aspects. How a circus environment and other cofactors can influence the welfare, health, and ... -
Parasites of equine piroplasmosis and its potential tick vectors in Israel
(2022)Equine piroplasmosis (EP) is an infectious tick-borne disease with a significant economic impact on the equine industry. The two causative agents of EP are Babesia caballi and Theileria equi. This thesis highlighted first ... -
Genetikai rendellenességekkel terhelt kutyák a jogszabályok tükrében
(2022)A kutyák genetikai rendellenességeinek egy része a fajtajelleggel hozható összefüggésbe, ilyen például a brachycephal obstrukciós légúti szindróma és a szemproblémák, amelyek a brachycephal kutyákra jellemző koponyaalakulással ... -
International Best Practice: Possible Solutions of the Stray Animal Problem
(2022)Stray dog and cat overpopulation creates problems throughout the world regarding public health, animal welfare, and wildlife. There are no common European regulation concerning stray animal control, hence it is controlled ... -
Currently used antiprotozoal drugs in domestic animals
(2022)Many determinantal and significant animal diseases are caused by different protozoan species, and in order to combat these diseases antiprotozoal drugs are applied. The infections caused by protozoa can cause huge economic ... -
Factors which affect fertility rates of sows and gilts on Irish pig farms
(2022)Fertility is defined by oestrus detection, ovulation rate, fertilisation rate, embryonic mortality, number of pigs born alive per litter, size and quality of pigs born alive per litter, preweaning mortality, conception ... -
ATP induced intracellular Ca2+ transient differences between the supporting cells of the hearing organ
(2022)Intracellular Ca2+ in the supporting cells (Hensen’s cells, Deiters’ cells, Claudius’ cells) of the organ of Corti can be altered by ATP activating the purinergic receptor P2X and P2Y which will in turn activate the IP3 ... -
The assessment of antimicrobial resistance of clinical mastitis causing pathogens on three UK based dairy farms
(2022)The objective of this study was to identify the three main mastitis causing bacterial agents on three separate UK dairy farms, assessing their resistance to commonly used antibacterial treatments. The degree of resistance ... -
Unsustainable salmon farming: A discussion of its background and the potential and need for improvement
(2022)Salmon farming is an incredibly fast-growing industry with a lot of problematic impacts on the planet. From the beginning, this industry has had visible effects on wildlife populations, especially wild salmon, where we ... -
Az élelmiszerek hőkezelésének hatása a B vitamin tartalomra
(2022)Dolgozatomban a B1, B3, B5, B6, B9 vitaminok fizikai, kémiai és az élő szervezetre gyakorolt hatásának ismerete után egy rövid áttekintéssel bemutatom ezen vitaminok magas hőmérsékleten történő hőkezelésének vizsgálatait. ... -
Animal Keeping and Abuse In Light of Different Types of Substance Abuse Among Pet Owners
(2022)The Thesis looks into the negative consequences for pets with owners suffering from substance abuse and also into the positive effects pets have on humans in therapy from substance abuse, or on their owner in the same ... -
Lucilia legyek vizsgálata hazánkban
(2022)A Lucilia nembe tartozó fajok a világ jelentős részén elterjedtek és fontos szerepet játszanak az állatorvoslásban, a humán medicinában és az igazságügyi kórbonctanban is. Kutatásunk során a Lucilia fajok magyarországi ... -
Cilostazol as medical treatment for bradycardia of cardiac origin in dogs
(2022)Severe, pathological bradycardia is an arrhythmic condition where the heart rate is below the normal reference therefore the sufficient blood pressure is not upheld, resulting in symptoms such as weakness and syncope. ... -
Overview of Congenital Toxoplasmosis in Pregnant Women; Mode of Infection, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention
(2022)Toxoplasma gondii, the agent of toxoplasmosis in all warm-blooded animals, undergoes sexual reproduction in cats and asexual reproduction in all other families. Through fecal excretion of oocysts, definitive host (cats) ...