Changes in the preputial pH values in canines and their relation to age, cytology and the occurrence of preputial discharge
In this study the pH value of the preputial cavity of dogs was measured and evaluated whether it has an effect on the appearance of the preputial discharge and the cytology samples.
Furthermore we wanted to see if a link between the preputial pH and the age of the dogs exists.
Regarding the pH, it was not possible to compare the findings of our study to other literature, as no research was made till now about the normal pH range of the canine preputial cavity.
Our results revealed, that the age is most likely correlated to the presence of the preputial discharge, but a higher amount of dogs needs to be examined, especially older ones, to draw a definite conclusion.
The cytology sample findings coincided with previous studies (Root Kustritz, 2006; England & von Heimendahl, 2010) and our samples showed variable amounts of epithelial cells, neutrophils, in some cases mucous shreds and rarely coccoid bacteria.
Due to the fact that no microbiological examinations were made, it was not possible to link the pH to different microflora of the preputium, thus it is advisable to study the effects of the preputial pH further by taking and evaluating microbiological samples.