Browsing Diplomadolgozatok / Theses by Title
Now showing items 1292-1311 of 1791
The occurrence of Digital Dermatitis in Norwegian Dairy Cattle
(2018)The aim of this study is to investigate the occurrence of DD in Norwegian dairy herds. The chosen method compares two different areas. One area has a big livestock population, the other has an average livestock population. ... -
The occurrence of fasciolosis in Irish Sheep
(2017)The aim of this thesis is to study the incidence of liver fluke in sheep with emphasis of the disease condition and control. What are the preventable measures that need to be taken to prevent these losses and what steps ... -
Occurrence of Five Honeybee Pathogenic Viruses in Hungarian Apiaries
(2023)This thesis examines the trends and occurrences of five honeybee pathogenic viruses that can infect honeybees in Hungary. Surveys have been conducted since 1999 to identify the presence of Acute Bee Paralysis Virus, Black ... -
Occurrence of mast cell tumors in intact and neutered dogs
(2023)Mast cell tumors are the most common cutaneous tumors in dogs and their etiology remains incompletely understood. Concurrently, sterilization is one of the most frequently conducted surgical procedure on the reproductive ... -
‘The Occurrence of Twin Pregnancies After Using an Intravaginal Progesterone Device in a Hungarian Dairy Herd.’
(2023)In this study, the rate of twin pregnancies amongst 2623 freshly calved cows on a Holstein Friesian dairy farm in Western Hungary was surveyed. Cows on all 3 farms were subjected to a DOS protocol, those found open at ... -
Oestrus synchronisation in dairy cattle with GnRH and prostaglandin drugs
(2016)The objective of this thesis is to provide an overview of the various methods of oestrus synchronisation in dairy cattle using PGF2a and/or GnRH-based treatment protocols and explore both their positive and negative impact ... -
Oligomer proantocianidinek gyulladás és oxidatív stresszt csökkentő hatásának vizsgálata sertés bélhámsejteken
(2020)Napjainkban egyre nagyobb a szerepe a különböző polifenol tartalmú táplálék- és takarmánykiegészítőknek, az emésztőrendszerre gyakorolt jótékony hatásaik miatt. Ezek a polifenol vegyületek nagy mennyiségben fordulnak elő ... -
Operáns és szociális tanulás összehasonlítása felnőtt kutyákon
(2017)Korábbi kutatások arra utaltak, hogy kölyökkutyák esetében a szociális tanuláson és szociális jutalmazáson alapuló módszerek nemcsak elérik az operáns kondicionálás és élelemjutalom alkalmazásakor megfigyelhető hatékonyságot, ... -
Opportunities for Reduction of Methane Emissions by using different Feed Ingredients in Ruminant Nutrition
(2024)As the threat of global warming escalates, the livestock industry looks into exploring how different feed additives may reduce greenhouse gas emissions, namely methane gas. The reviews of various literature explore new ... -
Opportunities in the modification of fatty acid composition of beef meat with feeding strategies focusing on the actual human dietetic requirements
(2015)In developing nations, meat of all types offers a means for reducing malnutrition and increasing food security while by those in the developed world, red meat, especially of ruminant origin is often viewed as a culprit in ... -
Optimal metabolic patterns in seasonally changing environments
(2016)Living organisms are metabolically active throughout their lives; they take up resources from their environment, convert these resources into useful materials and get rid of wastes. The sum of these reactions and processes ... -
Origins and Breeding Strategies Of The Irish Hunting Horse
(2017)The Irish Hunter is a horse that is engrained in the fabric of the Irish equine industry. The breed’s influence can be seen in many different sports and leisure activities. There are few, if any, other breed that can ... -
Osgood-Schlatter betegség kutyákban
(2016)Szakdolgozatom témájának középpontjában az Osgood-Schlatter elváltozás áll. Ez az elváltozás a tuberositas tibiae apophysis asepticus necrosisa, mely az apophysis csontosodásának zavarát, megnagyobbodását, fájdalmasságát, ... -
Osteoarthritis in dogs Early diagnosis of canine osteoarthritis prior to the occurrence of irreversible changes
(2023)Characterized as a chronic, degenerative, pain-inducing disease of the entire joint organ, osteoarthritis is the most common orthopedic condition in dogs with a major impact on their quality of life. Therapeutic options ... -
Osteomyelitis in foals, a retrospective case series
(2015)In this study we examined cases involving osteomyelitis in foals without concurrent septic arthritis, we concentrated the study around cases of e-type osteomyelitis where the synovial structure was not involved. Looking ... -
Overview of Congenital Toxoplasmosis in Pregnant Women; Mode of Infection, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention
(2022)Toxoplasma gondii, the agent of toxoplasmosis in all warm-blooded animals, undergoes sexual reproduction in cats and asexual reproduction in all other families. Through fecal excretion of oocysts, definitive host (cats) ... -
An overview of Equine Herpesviruses with special regard to the 2021 spring EHV-1 outbreak in Europe.
(2023)In summary, this thesis has explored the complicated and multi-faceted landscape of EHV, with a particular focus on the 2021 outbreak in Valencia, Spain. Through an in-depth examination of EHV virology, pathogenesis, ... -
Overview of genetic disorders in sheep
(2016)There are a lot of different disorders that can be found in sheep, some more common than others. In Norway these disorders has been described in literature as common disorders: - Spider Lamb Syndrome (SLS) - Cryptorchidism ... -
Overview of Protostrongylus (Nematoda: Strongylidae) in Leporidae
(2020)Since the 1960’s high rates of mortality have been observed in leporid mammals leading to a global decline in numbers. Bacterial and viral infections, overhunting, climate change and the relations to their predators ...