Browsing Diplomadolgozatok / Theses by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 1791
A melanóma előfordulási gyakorisága magyarországi arab lófajtákban
(2015)A melanóma az idős, szürke színű lovakra jellemző daganatos megbetegedés, szakirodalmi adatok szerint a 15 év feletti korcsoportban a szürke lovak 80% érintett. Vizsgálatunk célja volt felmérni, hogy egy hazai, arab ... -
A monori kistérség közigazgatási területén tartott kecskeállományok állategészségügyi helyzete és menedzsmentje
(2015)My diploma thesis focuses on the health status and raising management of twenty-one, small-sized goat herds located in the administrative area of Monor and its microregion. The number of livestock owned by private farmers ... -
A parlagi sas (Aquila Heliaca) és a pusztai sas (Aquila Nipalensis) hibridizációjának molekuláris vizsgálata
(2015)For a long time researcher investigate the question of hybridization, especially since the molecular techniques have been improved. Due to these improvements it is possible to study it’s effects and role in the evolutionary ... -
A pikkelyes hüllők és a teknősök gliaszerkezetének összehasonlítása a GFAP immunhisztokémiai kimutatása alapján
(2016)A Pikkelyes hüllő-alakúak (Squamata) rendje a Diapsida (Kettős halántékablakúak) csoportjába tartozik, míg a Teknős-alakúakat (Testudines) régebben az ősibb Anapsida (Halántékablak nélküliek) recens képviselőinek tartották, ... -
A rektális vizsgálat hatása a tehenek szívműködési paramétereire
(2015)In this study, we evaluated heart rate (HR) and parasympathetic HRV parameters to monitor cardiac stress responses to palpation per rectum (PPR) in lactating (LACT; n = 11) and non-lactating (NLACT; n = 12) dairy cows. ... -
A Review
(2015)The main aim of this review paper was to identify and investigate the key roles of the Official Veterinarian (OV) during the Ante Mortem (AM) inspection of swine. A special focus was paid to the significance of the OV in ... -
A review on how Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farming in Norway is influenced by the salmon louse (Lepeophteirus salmonis
(2015)The salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, is considered the biggest parasitological problem in Norwegian aquaculture today, causing not only damage to its hosts but also huge financial costs in the form of treatments and ... -
A sántaság előfordulásának gyakorisága Magyarország három különböző tartástechnológiát és lábvég ápolási protokollt alkalmazó tejelő tehenészetében
(2015)The conclusion of my thesis that lameness, which is the third of the most important economic loss causer diseases, could be suppressed and kept bat bay with deliberate and planned hoof care protocol if we are ready to use ... -
A sántaság felmérése és kezelése egy nyugat magyarországi tejelő szarvasmarha telepen
(2015)The continuous monitoring and control of claw disease has not only economic importance due to reduction in milk yield, but it is the duty of the respective animal welfare management. As the result of the measures we have ... -
A study on the prevalence of anisakid species in fish caught in Maltese waters
(2015)From February 2015 to October 2015, 3 fish species were examined for the presence of anisakids. The larval abundance in these species was investigated, comparing the larvae count to the size and weight of the fish and the ... -
A survey of the management practices of Irish dairy farms leading to an increased risk of Johne's disease transmission
(2016)The aim of the study was to investigate herd management practices generally employed on a sample selection of Irish Dairy farms leading to an increased risk of transmission of Johne’s disease (Mycobacterium avium subsp. ... -
A szaporodásbiológiai gondozás gyakorlatának összehasonlító vizsgálata két nagyüzemi tejhasznú szarvasmarha állományban
(2015)Two pactice of reproduction management and the reproductive performance parameters were studied in two large csale dairy farm between 2012 and 2014. The survey was carried out on the peripartal and service period, and how ... -
A szociális kontextus hatása a tanulási folyamatra kutyán
(2015)Many animal species, which are to some extent adapted to social life, have the ability to learn and gain new information about their environment by observing the behaviour of the other. In the case of social learning the ... -
A tejelő tehén takarmányadagjának ásványianayag-tartalma hazai mérési adatok alapján
(2015)The aim of the survey was to describe the actual measured mineral content (Ca, P, K, Na, Mg, S) of the total mixed ration (TMR) in Hungary, moreover to give recommendation according to the findings. Mineral content measurement ... -
A terminális állapotú betegekkel és ellátásukkal kapcsolatos gondolkodás és gyakorlat az állatorvosi praxisban
(2014)In my thesis I wanted to get an insight view into the practice of the care of terminally ill animals in Hungary, which period is of great importance for the pet, the owner and the veterinarian also. My research was ... -
A tőgyegészségügyi mutatók alakulása az eltérő istállóhigiéniai módszerek alkalmazásakor
(2015)Between Dec 2012 and March 2013 the Lajoskomáromi Tejtermelő Kft. has changed the concrete floor of the resting area in its Holstein-Frisian dairy herd of 550 cows to a so called dolomite duvet cover, a mixture of chopped ... -
A viselkedési konzisztencia környezeti meghatározottsága
(2015)While the number of studies reporting the presence of individual behavioural consistency (animal personality, behavioural syndrome) has boomed in the recent years, there is still much controversy about the proximate and ... -
A víz makro- és mikroelemtartalmának élettani hatása a szarvasmarhákra
(2015)This study examines the effect of drinking water on cattle. Sulphate concentrate is high in the water provided by the water well in Devecser dairy farm of Vicenter Ltd. where tests were performed. The high sulphate level ... -
A β-karotin és más vitaminok parenterális adagolásának hatása ovsynch módszerrel hormonkezelt tejhasznú tehenek vemhesülésére
(2015)We would like to know do parenteral received β-carotene, A, D, E and B vitamins increase the pregnancy rate of ovsynch synchronized diary cows. We prepared an experiment with 123 dairy cows in Hungary, in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén ...