Vizsgálatok a Kaposvár környéki szarvasmarha állományok endoparazitózisairól, különös tekintettel a járványtani és élelmiszerbiztonsági jelentőségre
From July of 2014 to May of 2015 four different facility and utilization type of cow and buffalo farms were examined to determine the prevalence of endoparasites. Faecal samples were examined from live animals by use of flotation and sedimentation methods. Also ten Hungarian Grey cows were examined in slaughter house by sampling heart and oesophagus muscle in the part of the tender KTIA AIK Nr. 12-2012-0012 of the research of Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University. This countrywide survey shows 66% zoonotic Sarcocystis infection of the Hungarian samples included the samples from Somogy county.