A víz makro- és mikroelemtartalmának élettani hatása a szarvasmarhákra
This study examines the effect of drinking water on cattle. Sulphate concentrate is
high in the water provided by the water well in Devecser dairy farm of Vicenter Ltd. where
tests were performed. The high sulphate level interacts with copper and molybdenum content
of forage, and leads to insoluble complex formation that is unusable by the body. This is
called tiomolybdenate toxicity. Tests were performed on 17 heifers. A pair of blood and hair
samples has been taken from each of them. Heifers drunk tap water during the first period of
the study, and the first sampling was performed at that point. Three weeks after the first
sampling the second samples have been taken. During this period heifers received the water of
high sulphate concentrate and copper supplement of forage has been increased significantly.
Micro- and macro-element content of blood and hair have been measured.
Both in hair and blood samples molybdenum content has decreased significantly.
Copper content has decreased in hair samples but not in blood samples; however, it has not
been increased despite the high copper content of forage either. Both in blood and in hair
samples sulphate content has not changed significantly. These results confirmed the supposed
tiomolybdenum toxicity in Devecser.