Browsing PhD Dissertations by Subject "Clinical diagnosis"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Clinicopathological alterations in canine babesiosis
(2006)In the first part of this thesis a retrospective study is provided on natural canine babesiosis cases in Hungary. The clinical features of both uncomplicated and complicated disease are discussed, including the occurrence ... -
Examinations on the antioxidant system in different species under physiological and pathological conditions
(2003)Free radical induced and mediated processes are present in a great variety of physiological and pathological pathways. The basic source of FR production is the respiratory chain where different oxygen derived free radicals ... -
Háziállatokból izolált Histophilus somni törzsek összehasonlító vizsgálata
(2009)A szerző vizsgálatai során háziállatokból izolált Histophilus somni törzsek összehasonlító vizsgálatát végezte el. Magyarország öt megyéjének 18 településén, 9 szarvasmarha-, valamint 10 kecskeállományban gyűjtött 652 ... -
New data to the pathophysiology, clinics and therapy of bovine mastitis
(2002)In Chapter 1 metabolic and endocrine aspects of bovine mastitis in early weeks of lactation are discussed. After reviewing the endocrine and reproductive consequences of certain endotoxin-mediated diseases, the results of ...