Now showing items 1-10 of 41
A szarvasmarhák légzőszervi betegségkomplexének klinikai és labordiagnosztikai vonatkozásai a telepi állatorvosi gyakorlatban : Irodalmi összefoglaló
The pathogenesis of bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) in cattle is well
known. As a multifactorial disease, the understanding of the interactions between the environment, the pathogens and the host are essential ...
A különböző immunológiai alapú terápiák alkalmazása a daganatok elleni küzdelemben : Irodalmi összefoglaló
In numerous instances, conventional methodologies (such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy or surgical excision) have demonstrated their limitations in
effectively preventing and treating certain types of cancers. The ...
Egészséges, tejelő Holstein tehenek plazma- és tejleptin, -ghrelin, -irizin és -inzulin-hormonszintjének vizsgálata az ellés utáni első héten
In this study, leptin, ghrelin, irisin and insulin hormone levels in milk serum and
blood plasma, and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta hydroxy butyric acid
(BHBA), triglyceride and glucose levels in blood plasma ...
Az antimikrobiális peptidek mint a fertőző betegségek elleni küzdelem új eszközei
The rapidly growing rates of antimicrobial resistance represent a great challenge
not just in human, but in veterinary medicine, as well. The restriction of antibiotic usage and the increasing spread of resistance made ...
Vairimorpha (Nosema) ceranae előfordulása Magyarországon, mézelő méhek (Apis mellifera) bélmikrobiom-felmérése alapján
Background: Apis mellifera is one of the most important arthropod species
for agriculture. Several factors are known to compromise their health, posing
a serious economic risk. Among these factors, pathogens and mainly ...
Primer vese-adenocarcinoma és Aeromonas hydrophila okozta heveny septicaemia tatár homoki boában (Eryx tataricus)
Background: The Tartar sand boa (Eryx tataricus) is considered one of the larger
viviparous sandboa species. Neoplasms of the kidney are known in reptiles. Renal
adenoma and adenocarcinoma, and expansively growing tubular ...
Újdonságok az állatorvosi epilepsziában - 2023 : Irodalmi összefoglaló
In this „annual mini-review” the most relevant research results in the field of
clinical epilepsy in dogs and cats will be described. The author selected and summarised from 2023 several useful findings from the international ...
Áramütések okozta madárpusztulások elemzése állatvédelmi és jogi szempontból
Background: Comprehensive analyses of bird deaths caused by electrocution
have so far been carried out mainly by conservationists with some legal insights,
but to our knowledge the problem has not yet been addressed ...
Poliómavírus első kimutatása Magyarországra visszatelepített eurázsiai hód (Castor fiber) mintájából
Background: The Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber), the largest rodent on the Eurasian continent, is considered a native species in Hungary. It faced extinction
due to overhunting in 1865 but was successfully reintroduced ...
A fény hatása a szarvasmarhák termelésére : Irodalmi összefoglaló
Light is essential for most organisms not only for vision, but also in regulation of
physiological and behavioural processes influenced by circadian and circannual
rhythms. Hence, the photoperiod has effects on health, ...