Now showing items 1-10 of 103
Breeding Chukar Partridges (Alectoris chukar) in Cyprus
After spending four weeks at the farm going throw all every day procedures I came to the conclusion that breeding chukars is not that difficult and of course this has to do also with the perfect weather conditions in Cyprus ...
The American Quarter Horse, breeding and genetic diseases
The Quarter horse is an American breed, and is today the largest registered breed in the world with. Worldwide there are over 5 million registered Quarter Horses.
It is one of the oldest recognized breeds in the United ...
Genetic disorders of horses : a critical review
There are more than 5000 genetic diseases of humans and from 1990 to 2003, the Human Genome Project changed the world of genetics forever by mapping the human genome. The Horse Genome Project, a result of the Human Genome ...
Genetic basis of bovine milk production in Bavaria : Review of literature
Wie kaum ein anderer Zweig in der Lebensmittelbranche ist die Milchindustrie rund um den Globus ein wichtiger Teil jeder nationalen Wirtschaft. Obwohl das Ziel, höhere Leistungen, sowohl quantitativ, als auch qualitativ, ...
Development and uses of easy care sheep
An easy care sheep is a sheep that requires minimal shepherding, sheds its fleece, is a non-selective eater, has excellent mothering ability and has a higher resistance to common diseases such as fly strike. Easy care ...
The prevalence of ocular and auditory abnormalities in Merle dogs : review of literature
Merle pattern coats in dogs has been described from centuries in many breeds of domestic dog. Until recently the reason some dogs were born with this unique and beautiful pattern was a mystery. In fact it was not until ...
Possible economic effects of crossbreeding of Norwegian Red and Holstein-Friesian
This analysis exclusively evaluates the production profit and the expenses that come together with the production. Having a Holstein cow will lead to a total average yearly loss of € 396.57 compared to a NRF cow. If you ...
Arginin és glutaminkiegészítés hatásának vizsgálata brojlercsirke modellkísérletben
Dolgozatomban arra kerestem a választ, hogy az NRC ajánlásának megfelelő összetételű brojlertápok argininnel (Arg), glutaminnal (Gln), illetve ezen aminosavak kombinációjával való kiegészítése milyen hatással van az állatok ...
Genomics and clinical aspects of arrythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in Boxer dogs
“Why is Arrythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy such a complicated disease and how is it connected to the human version? What is the genetical background and how can it be used to control its propagation in the boxer ...
New trends in feline breeding : (Literature review)
A responsible breeder will first assure that all the environmental circumstances are given for his cats to live in a healthy, stress free environment, with the substantial care he can provide them. He will have good knowledge ...