Now showing items 1-10 of 23
Genetic disorders of horses : a critical review
There are more than 5000 genetic diseases of humans and from 1990 to 2003, the Human Genome Project changed the world of genetics forever by mapping the human genome. The Horse Genome Project, a result of the Human Genome ...
Genetic basis of bovine milk production in Bavaria : Review of literature
Wie kaum ein anderer Zweig in der Lebensmittelbranche ist die Milchindustrie rund um den Globus ein wichtiger Teil jeder nationalen Wirtschaft. Obwohl das Ziel, höhere Leistungen, sowohl quantitativ, als auch qualitativ, ...
Hiperpolimorf mikroszatellita-polimorfizmusok vizsgálata vadászkutyákban
A kutyák örökletes eredetű betegségei egyre nagyobb arányban mutatkoznak világszerte, aminek egyik nyilvánvaló oka a beltenyésztettség. Ezért egyre nagyobb igény mutatkozik a kutyapopulációk populációgenetikai vizsgálataira, ...
The Icelandic horse, breeding and diversity
The Icelandic horse is a very old, and one of the purest horse breeds in the world. They came to Iceland with the Vikings several centuries ago. It is the only horse breed on Iceland, and its purity is secured by a law ...
Unique trotter: The Norvegian coldblooded horse
The Norwegian coldblooded trotter is a unique horse. This type of trotter can only be found in the Scandinavian countries and is the only heavy type of trotter in the world. Today the Norwegian and Swedish horse is considered ...
The success of the Hannovarian Horse breed from the 17. Century till 2010
The Hannovarian is one of the most successful horse breeds in the world. The breeding system is a positive example for many other breeding organisations. This Thesis analyse the development of the Hannovarian and the Success ...
Review of the Norwegian Landrace Pig
The earliest proof of the domesticated swine in Norway dates back to 1500-1400 B.C. The Norwegian landrace is the oldest and most important pig breed in Norway. And todays landrace originates from these domesticated tame ...
Current genetics of osteochondrosis (OCD) in equines
The aim of the study was to perform a review study regarding the current genetic background
of OC in the domestic horse. OC is a commonly seen locomotor disorder in young horses
(WITTWER et al, 2007). The cause of OC is ...