Deslorelin tartalmú implantátummal (Suprelorin® 4,7 mg) végzett kémiai kasztráció hatása a spermaminőségre, a testtömegre, a vér egyes biokémiai paramétereire és a vérképre ivarérett Beagle kan kutyákban - Irodalmi összefoglaló és saját tapasztalatok
Megtekintés/ Megnyitás
Müller, Linda
Mester, László
Nagy, Anna
Hanácsek, Richárd
Janett, Fredi
Cseh, Sándor
Reichler, Iris Margaret
Balogh, Orsolya
Részletes rekordAbsztrakt
Background: Semen characteristics in frequently collected samples after insertion of a Suprelorin® 4.7 mg (Virbac, France) implant have not been reported yet.
Objectives: to determine the effects of Suprelorin® 4.7 mg on the quality of
semen collected twice weekly, and on metabolic function and health by body
weight (BW) changes and serum biochemical (glucose, triglycerides, ALT, AP,
BUN, creatinine, total protein, albumin, albumin/globulin ratio, electrolytes) and
haematology analysis.
Materials and Methods: Five adult healthy male Beagles (31-46 months old,
10.4-13.9 kg) housed together and fed the same ration throughout the study
were implanted subcutaneously with 4.7 mg Suprelorin® (d0). Semen was collected twice weekly. DNA fragmentation index (% DFI) was determined with
Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSATM). BW measurements and blood sampling were performed on d0, d21, and biweekly until d112. Data was analysed with
general linear model with repeated measures.
Results and Discussion: BW was stable and haematology and biochemical
parameters remained in the normal range. In 4 dogs semen could be collected
until d10 and until d17 in the last dog. No changes in ejaculate volume, sperm
concentration, total number of spermatozoa, progressive motility, morphology
and % DFI (1.33-4.50% frozen-thawed 0 h, 1.49-6.66% frozen-thawed after 3 h
incubation at 38 °C) were detected (P≥0.112).. As semen quality was not significantly influenced, matings may result in viable offspring until aspermia occurs.
Under controlled feeding conditions, 4.7 mg Suprelorin® administration does not
result in BW changes and in any alterations of blood parameters.