Vizsgálatok a görög teknősök (Testudo hermanni) önkéntes szárazanyag-felvételére, a passzázs idejére és a táplálóanyagok emészthetőségének meghatározására
Megtekintés/ Megnyitás
Hetényi, Nikoletta
Andrásofszky, Emese
Hullár, István
Részletes rekordAbsztrakt
Information on the voluntary dry matter (DM) intake, gut passage time and
digestibility of nutrients may help the adequate feeding of tortoises and may
also help to prevent fast growth rate due to overfeeding of the animals. The
aim of the study was to determine the voluntary DM intake and gut transit time
in Hermann’s tortoises (Testudo hermanni) and also to investigate whether it
is possible to determine digestibility with the method of total collection. The
twelve male tortoises were placed individually in plastic terrariums. Three different foods (slicing cucumber, lettuce, dandelion) were tested for voluntary
DM intake. The DM intake in percentage of the body weight was much higher
in case of lettuce than in slicing cucumber or dandelion. Gut transit time was
much lower in case of slicing cucumber than in the two other foods. Most of
the animals (in all three diets) partially or totally consumed the faeces, so the
digestibility could not be determined. According to the results of the study ad
libitum feeding of lettuce is not advised. The method of total collection cannot
be reliably applied in tortoises.