A baromfi Riemerella anatipestifer okozta megbetegedése - Irodalmi áttekintés
Megtekintés/ Megnyitás
Gyuris, Éva
Wehmann, Enikő
Magyar, Tibor
Részletes rekordAbsztrakt
Riemerella anatipestifer is prevalent throughout the world, including Hungary
as well. Primarily, it causes disease in young ducklings and goslings, but it may
induce heavy losses in turkey flocks too. The authors summarize the literature
data on the history of the anatipestifer disease and the characteristics of
R. anatipestifer. They describe the epidemiology, the clinical sings and the pathological
lesions of anatipestifer disease. Isolation, identification and the methods
of classification of R. anatipestifer are also discussed. Finally, they summarize
the aspects of treatment and prevention of the disease.