A szarvasmarhák légzőszervi betegsége (BRDC) elleni vakcinázás és gyógykezelés hazai nagy létszámú szarvasmarhaállományokban - 2. rész
The authors surveyed 15 large-scale Hungarian cattle herds (13 dairies and 2
beef herds) in 2013 in terms of prophylaxis (vaccination and medication) against
Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (BRDC). From more than half of the herds
Mannheimia haemolytica, BRSV, PI3 and Pasteurella multocida were identified.
In the majority of dairy herds vaccinations were applied against BRSV, PI3, BVD
and Mannheimia, beside the mandatory IBR marker vaccination. The macrolids
were the mostly used antibiotics against BRDC (in more than 90% of the herds),
followed by amoxicillin, enfrofloxacin and marbofloxacin (on half of the farms).
Metaphylaxis was practised on around 30% of the farms.