Now showing items 1-4 of 4
A vakcinázás hatékonyságának és a malacok maternalis immunitásának vizsgálata egy hazai nagyüzemi sertésállományban
Background: In commercial pig farms, lowering the costs associated with
treatment of clinically sick animals and avoiding losses caused by subclinical
diseases are prerequisites of efficient production. Apart from ...
A hazai állatorvosok növényismerete: út egy toxikológiai adatbázis megalapozása felé
Knowing poisonous plants is essential for both small and large animal vets. Some
European countries already have a governmental “Poison Centre” collecting data
on phytotoxicoses. However, such data have not been ...
Állattartási szokások és az állattartók motivációi Magyarországon
Background: In the past few decades the animal keeping culture and habits
have changed a lot internationally, some animals have become family members.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented situation in the ...
A Pasteurella multocida törzsek antibiotikumérzékenysége, az antimikrobiális rezisztencia genetikai háttere Irodalmi összefoglaló
Pasteurella multocida, a member of the Pasteurellaceae family, is a widespread
Gram-negative veterinary pathogen with the potential to cause zoonotic
infection in humans. Primarily, it is involved in the etiology of fowl ...