Browsing Állatorvostudományi Egyetem / University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest by Title
Now showing items 190-209 of 912
E. coli food born outbreak in Norway at 2006
(2011)In January-February 2006 Norway had its first, serious, national outbreak of food born disease caused by an unusually aggressive form of Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (E.coli) O103:H25. A total of 18 people, ... -
E. coli O104:H4 Serotype Outbreak in Germany in 2011
(2013)From the first of May until the 25th of July of 2011 at 10 a.m. 852 cases of HUS, 3469 EHEC cases including 426 asymptomatic EHEC infections were reported to the RKI. 32 HUS patients and 18 persons infected with EHEC ... -
The economic importance of reproductive managament in dairy herds
(2011)The objective of this study was to analyze the economic importance of reproductive management of dairy herds. The results presented quantify the annual losses due to reproductive failures at herd level. The investigations ... -
The economic losses caused by porcine respiratory disease complex in Irish pig farms
(2014)The aim of this thesis was to identify the prevalence of the porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) within three pig farms in Ireland. The three farms where located in the North East of the Island of Ireland, two of ... -
Economic losses in dairy cattle herds due to lameness
(2012)Today, as part of the European Union our aim is to minimize to production cost of milk and to provide a better quality instead of increasing heard size and the volume of milk production, and therefore enabling Hungarian ... -
The effect of change in the treatment protocol of late pregnant dairy cows and their offspring
(2014)It may be concluded from the results of this study that the farming operation as a whole needs to be harmonized. The health of all the livestock on the farm is the highest priority for the farmer. Securing the health of ... -
Effect of conservation method on quality of forages and on the feed preference of horses
(2013-06-03)In the present study, the conservation method did not have a great impact on the chemical composition or on the microbial counts of the two differently preserved forages (hay vs. haylage). In the contrast the different ... -
The effect of environmental factors on the occurence of hoof diseases in Irish dairy cattle herds
(2014)Lameness and hoof diseases are on-going problems that affect every herd owner in Ireland to some extent. From this study I have seen the impact that the environment in which the cow is living, has on the health status of ... -
The effect of feeding different total mixed rations of rumen fermentation in high producing dairy cows
(2014)Although we see a reduction in pH in March in the experimental group it is still above the critical pH of the rumen is 6 (Hutjens, 1998). The increased concentrations of VFA have probably resulted in changes in the milk ... -
Effect of feeding of XTRACT(TM) on the acid-base metabolism and ruminal fermentation in high producing dairy cows
(2010)In this experiment the administration of XTRACT™ resultet in an increase in the concentration of acetate. This is the opposite result of various experiments performed on the effect of plant extracts containing cinnamaldehyde ... -
Effect of keeping system on fertility and milk production in small dairy farms (<100 cows) in Switzerland and a large scale dairy farm (>500 cows) in Hungary
(2010)Due to the higher milk yield and thus shorter estrus and lower fertility, the heat of the Hungarian Holstein cow is more difficult to detect and needs a higher amount of AI/ pregnancy as the Swiss dairy cows. Contributing ... -
The Effect of the Different Synchronisation Protocols on the Reproductive Management in a Dairy Farm
(2013)Cows with an extended interval from calving to first ovulation (post partum period) have increased intervals from calving to conception and are more likely to be culled compared with cows with a short post partum period. ... -
The effects of analgesia and local anaesthesia during castration of male piglets
(2015)Castration of male animals has a long tradition and the reason for this is the propensity of castrates to deposit fat and the easier control of their behavior. Mature male pigs also tend to develop boar-taint, an aversive ... -
Effects of weather conditions on the reproductive succes of House Sparrows
(2012)The effects of climatic changes on various behaviors of animals have been documented, but there is still little information about how theweather variability and extreme meteorological events influence reproductive ... -
The efficacy of allergen-specific immunotherapy in atopic dogs
(2011)In this thesis a total of 37 dogs, eighteen from Hungary and nineteen from Norway, was reviewed. The data was collected from 2002-2011 in Norway and from 2005-2011 in Hungary. All dogs scoring “severe or bad pruritus” from ... -
Az egér mesenchymalis őssejtek immunszupresszív aktivitásának vizsgálata
(2012)Napjainkban számos munkacsoport foglalkozik a csontvelői mesenchymalis ős-vagy stromasejtek (BM-MSC) terápiás célú felhasználásával a hematopoézis támogatásában, a szövetek fenntartásában és regenerálásában, valamint a ... -
Egészséges és cryptorchid herék egyes szövettani paramétereinek vizsgálata kutyában
(2012)A szakdolgozat célja egészséges és cryptorchid kutyaherék egyes szövettani paramétereinek vizsgálata. A rejtettheréjűség következményei, mint here daganatos elfajulása és a csökkent spermetogensis többek között a hasüregbeli ... -
Egy énekparaméter kondíciófüggésének vizsgálata a hátas réti sáskánál (Chorthippus dorsatus)
(2014)A szignált küldő hímek egyedi minőségét jelző szignál-paraméterek vizsgálata az állatok szexuális kommunikációjának egyik izgalmas területe. Korábbi kutatásokra építkezve (Stumpner és Helversen 1994) szakdolgozatomban ...