Browsing Állatorvostudományi Egyetem / University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest by Subject "Fajták"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Agrárterületek értékelése a jellemző madárfajok denzitása és a mezei pacsirta rátermettsége alapján
(2010)Hazánk kétharmada mezőgazdasági terület, mely amellett, hogy biztosítja az élelmiszerellátást, számos növény- és állatfajnak jelent fontos életteret. A 2004-es EU csatlakozás óta a gazdálkodást a Közösségi Agrárpolitika ... -
Breeding and breed development of the Norwegian Fjord Horse
(2010)It is one of the oldest breeds, and has a long recorded history of pure breeding with out crossbreeding from other sources. It is believed that the ancestors of the Fjord horse migrated to Norway and were domesticated over ... -
The century old dexter phenomenon in cattle breeding (A critical review of literature)
(2010)The Dexter cattle were originally bred in South-western Ireland and brought to England in 1882. The Dexter is one of the smallest cattle breed developed in the British Isles. The Irish Dexter descended from the ancient ... -
Changes of the wither height of the Connemara Pony in the last 100 years
(2010)The Connemara Pony is an indigenous breed of Ireland and has undergone different changes since the establishment of its own breed society in 1923. One major change in the pony which can be observed today in comparison to ... -
Development and breeding of the Norwegian Dole Horse
(2010)The Døle is a medium sized horse of draught type. It is rough, hardy and with a nice, steady temper. It originates from the eastern part of Norway, where it has been breed systematically since the 1860’s. The Døle was ... -
Evaluation of the height at withers based on the mares recorded in the mixed stud-books of Mezőhegyes during the 19th century
(2009)Through this diploma work we characterized the height at withers of the mares (n=641) of Mezőhegyes stud farm by breed. The mares under investigation were born between 1803 and 1867. Further on, we compared them using the ... -
Az élettani echocardiográfiás paraméterek meghatározása egészséges puli kutyapopulációban
(2010)The aim of this study was to establish normal reference echocardiographic values for the Hungarian Puli canine breed, and to determine the effect of body weight, age and gender on cardiac parameters by using M-mode and ... -
Fleischleistungsfähigkeit von alten ungarischen Rassen im Vergleich zu dem deutschen Fleischmerino
(2012)An der Studie haben sechs unterschiedliche Rassen teilgenommen, so dass wir die Fleischleistungen von alten ungarischen Rassen mit denen des Deutschen Fleischmerinos vergleichen konnten. Hierzu gehören die beiden ... -
The Icelandic horse, breeding and diversity
(2011)The Icelandic horse is a very old, and one of the purest horse breeds in the world. They came to Iceland with the Vikings several centuries ago. It is the only horse breed on Iceland, and its purity is secured by a law ... -
Kistestű egzotikus macskafélék fertőző betegségei
(2012)Dolgozatomban röviden igyekeztem áttekinteni a vadon élő és fogságban tartott egzotikus macskafélék fontosabb fertőző betegségeit. Elsősorban azok a betegségek kerültek be a dolgozatba, melyekkel kapcsolatosan valamilyen ... -
Measuring the effects of different farming conditions on the animal welfare status in Norvegian red cattle
(2011)The aim of the study was to measure the effects of different farming conditions on the animal welfare status of the farms monitored. The Welfare Quality® project, founded by the European commission within the 6th EU framework ... -
Norwegian Red, its characteristics and use in international crossbreeding
(2010)The international dairy industry has for decades been breeding for a Holstein Friesian cow that has the highest milk yield possible, but this has also led to several problems. As a consequence of this single minded breeding ... -
Possible economic effects of crossbreeding of Norwegian Red and Holstein-Friesian
(2012)This analysis exclusively evaluates the production profit and the expenses that come together with the production. Having a Holstein cow will lead to a total average yearly loss of € 396.57 compared to a NRF cow. If you ... -
Revised detection methods of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in raw milk and dairy products from sheep/goat milk.
(2013)The aim of this study was to review the existing laws and regulations concerning the detection of Salmonella and Listeria bacterial species in sheep and goat raw milk and dairy products. The products under examination were ... -
The success of the Hannovarian Horse breed from the 17. Century till 2010
(2011)The Hannovarian is one of the most successful horse breeds in the world. The breeding system is a positive example for many other breeding organisations. This Thesis analyse the development of the Hannovarian and the Success ... -
Unique trotter: The Norvegian coldblooded horse
(2010)The Norwegian coldblooded trotter is a unique horse. This type of trotter can only be found in the Scandinavian countries and is the only heavy type of trotter in the world. Today the Norwegian and Swedish horse is considered ... -
The Waldviertel Blond - An Autochthonous Austrian cattle breed and its genetic characterisation
(2009)The aim of our work was to examine the Austrian autochthone breed Waldviertel Blond Cattle on the basis of mitochondrial DNA. The founder sampling was used to increase the representation of sample on the level of mitochondrial ...