Theses: Új feltöltések
261-280 tétel 726 közül
Diversity Changes of the Irish Draught Horse during Breed Development
(2013)The Irish Draught is an animal that is deeply entrenched in the history of Ireland. From its original use as all purpose animal on the farm to the modern horse we see today, the Irish Draught has earned its right to be ... -
Relationship of BCS, Milk Production, and Metabolic Parameters on Reproductive Success in Holstein Friesian Dairy Cows in Hungary
(2013)The dairy industry’s profit is dependable on the dairy cows ability to produce high milk yields while reproducing efficiently. Cows undergo dynamitic metabolic changes during late pregnancy and through to the peak of ... -
Study on Mineral Metabolism of Dairy Cows
(2013)Macrominerals as well as trace elements take part in important processes in the body and have regulative functions. Sodium, potassium and chlorine keep the cation-anion equilibrium in in balance, calcium builds up the bones ... -
E. coli O104:H4 Serotype Outbreak in Germany in 2011
(2013)From the first of May until the 25th of July of 2011 at 10 a.m. 852 cases of HUS, 3469 EHEC cases including 426 asymptomatic EHEC infections were reported to the RKI. 32 HUS patients and 18 persons infected with EHEC ... -
Monitoring of Hoof Diseases in a Hungarian Dairy Cattle Herd
(2013)Hoof and leg problems are an increasing and very expensive problem especially in the intensive dairy productions all over the world. Not only is the pain caused by bad hoof health a major welfare problem, but several studies ... -
Importation of Stray Dogs from Hungary and Romania to Norway
(2013)The aim of this thesis was to highlight the different factors playing a part in the discussion of importation of stray dogs to Norway. Several aspects of the discussion have been mentioned. It has been proved that an ... -
The Implications of the Horse Meat Scandal 2013 from a Predominantly Irish Perspective
(2013)The horse meat scandal emerged as one of the most shocking revelations regarding the agri-food industry in 2013. Initially thought of as just an Irish problem, it soon became clear that the issue was much more widespread ... -
Detection, Prevalence, and Analysis of Porcine Parvovirus Infections in Serbian Swine Herd
(2013)From worldwide perspective Porcine parvovirus are one of the most common causes of viral reproductive failure in swine industry. The intent of this study was to confirm the presence of a novel new porcine parvovirus ... -
The Control of Notifiable Zoonotic Diseases in Pet Animals in Sweden
(2013)Zoonotic diseases are diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. There are multiple ways for humans to acquire a zoonotic disease. Zoonoses can spread either from direct contact with a carrier or sick ... -
Superovulation and Embryo Recovery in the Guinea Pig
(2013)Mice and rats are the most popular lab animals used in experiments across the world. They are also routinely used in studies about the reproductive system due to their large litter number, short gestation period and ... -
Conventional and Alternative Treatment Methods of Canine Mammary Gland Tumours
(2013)Approximately 80 % of subjects with carcinomas have reoccurrences that lead to death. This indicates that the treatment of mammary gland tumours in dogs cannot be considered a solved problem (BABA, 2007). -
AI of Horse with Cooled Shipped and Frozen Semen : Practical Experiences
(2013)I have investigated the use of artificial insemination in horses, comparing the use of cooled shipped and frozen semen. AI in horses has become very popular the last few years. I have investigated the different ... -
The Eradication of Bovine Brucellosis in the European Union with an Emphasis on Ireland
(2013)I have chosen to write my thesis on Bovine brucellosis Eradication. I chose this topic as I have a personal interest in the eradication schemes in place in Ireland. Ireland is currently officially brucellosis free, a status ... -
Latest Data to the Genetics of Canine Hip Dysplasia : A Review of Literature
(2013)Canine hip dysplasia is a developmental orthopaedic disorder and was first described by Schnelle in 1935 (35). Hip dysplasia is a polygenic and polyfactorial disorder characterized by instability of the coxofemoral ... -
Breeding Chukar Partridges (Alectoris chukar) in Cyprus
(2013)After spending four weeks at the farm going throw all every day procedures I came to the conclusion that breeding chukars is not that difficult and of course this has to do also with the perfect weather conditions in Cyprus ... -
Revised detection methods of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in raw milk and dairy products from sheep/goat milk.
(2013)The aim of this study was to review the existing laws and regulations concerning the detection of Salmonella and Listeria bacterial species in sheep and goat raw milk and dairy products. The products under examination were ... -
Pathological Characteristics of Canine Lipoma
(2013)The thesis introduces a classification system for canine lipoma, which has not been introduced in veterinary pathology, yet. As there are currently limited/ no literature concerning canine lipoma classification, literature ... -
Daganat típusok előfordulási gyakorisága egy onkológiai szakrendelőben
(2013)Neoplastic diseases are getting more and more frequent in dogs. Unfortunately, there is not too much data available about the canine tumours in Hunagry, as there is no independent, unified canincal cancer registry in this ...