Theses: Új feltöltések
301-320 tétel 726 közül
A kutyák szociális nézési viselkedése az oxitocin hatására
(2013)Family dogs spend most of their life together with their owners. For the successful cooperation between dog and human it is crucial that they understand each other’s communication signals. According to the domestication ... -
Egzotikus állatokat - kisrágcsálókat, díszmadarakat, hüllőket, kétéltűeket és díszhalakat - tartók véleménye a hazai állatorvosi ellátásról
(2013-12-19)In my thesis, written at the Department of State Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Economics, I have investigated what exotic pet owners think about veterinary service focusing on the their ... -
Társas lovas állatorvosi praxis létesítésének üzleti terve
(2013-12-19)I prepared a 5-year business plan. -
Német juhászkutyák viselkedésteszttel való összehasonlító vizsgálata
(2013-12-19)It is common in dog breeding, that show and working lines are appearing in the same breed. These lines are different in their appearance and behavior too. I joined the investigations of Szent István University ... -
Felmérés a gazdátlan állatok helyzetéről Magyarországon
(2013-12-19)Latching on the researches of the Department of state veterinary medicine and agricultural economics I would like to survey the status of the unowned animals from the point of view of the animal ... -
Egzotikus kisállat rendelő létesítésének üzleti terve
(2013-12-19)The number of exotic pets keeps increasing in Hungary as well, therefore the aim of my paper was the preparation of a business plan for a veterinary clinic for small pets that would mainly base its ... -
Az állampolgárok állatvédelemmel kapcsolatos jogszabályi ismereteinek kérdőíves felmérése
(2013-12-19)During my work at The Veterinary Administration and Agricultural Economics Department, I examined how much familiar Hungarian people are with the legislation regarding protection of animals, and ... -
A lovak agy-gerincvelő folyadékának mintavétele, elemzése és annak egyes paramétereire vonatkozó saját referenciatartomány meghatározása
(2013-12-11)We know a lot of neurogical diseases in horses so the difference diagnosis is very difficult in some cases. To sampling and analyze the cerebrospinal fluid is a general part of the neurogical diagnoses. We can get information ... -
Életképesség-vizsgálat a Magyar Királyi Állatorvosi Főiskola növénygyűjteményéből származó magokon
(2013-12-11)Due to the increasing human effect, more and more species are getting close to extinction. The disappearance of a species can lead to the extinction of other ones and degradation of the habitat as these biotopes are quite ... -
Methods and technologies to reduce or prevent Salmonella infection using feed additives in poultry and swine production
(2013-11-06)Salmonellosis is generally accepted to be one of the most important zoonoses transmitted by meat and eggs in the developed world. Whilst the majority of salmonellosis infections arise from consumption of poultry products, ... -
A retrospective study of MR imaging in dogs with seizures
(2013-11-06)The diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy is done by exclusion of all other known causes. This is done by a thorough history, clinical signs, negative laboratory (CBC, biochemistry, urinalysis, and CSF), EEG and different imaging ... -
Endocrine and pregnancy protein changes during periparturient period with correlation of stillbirth in dairy cow
(2013-11-06)Over the last fifty years a decline in fertility in high yielding Holstein dairy cattle is observed as well as a steady incline of the stillbirth rates during the last years is detectable, especially in Holstein-Friesian ... -
The Occurance of Behavioural Problems in Re-Homed Dogs with Unknown Backgrounds
(2013-11-06)The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of certain behavioural issues in dogs with unknown backgrounds, which had lived in their new homes for more than one year. Another aim was to find out if there was ... -
Szarvasmarhák orális sztereotípiáinak telepi vizsgálata
(2013-11-06)Abnormal forms of behavior, different than the usual behavior specific to a certain species, are called behavioral disorders. The development of behavioral disorders could be a form of stress manifestation. The presence ... -
Mycotoxin contamination in food- and feedstuffs
(2013-10-28)Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of various molds of high importance in animal nutrition, food production, veterinary medicine and human health. As mold species, producing mycotoxins, are ubiquitous, mycotoxins are ... -
A Kárpát-medence Rétisas-populációjának (Haliaeetus Albicilla) filogeográfiai és populáció-genetikai vizsgálata : Szakdolg.
(2013-09-26)The white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla, Linnaeus 1758) is a large raptor species, whose southernmost population is located in the Carpathian Basin. After a drastic decrease in the early 20th century, from the 1970's ... -
Állatkerti tartástechnológiai iránymutatás kidolgozásának lehetőségei, és bemutatása esettanulmányon : Szakdolg.
(2013-09-23)The responsibility of the zoos and the aquariums is not only the exhibition of a range of living animals but the participation in conservational, educational and scientific programs as well, moreover they have entertaining ... -
Kék vércsék (Falco vespertinus) őszi vonulásának jellemzése műholdas nyomkövetők segítségével : Szakdolg.
(2013-09-23)The Red-footed falcon is a small, colonial raptor species of high national and international conservation concern. These birds are trans-equatorial migrants, wintering in southern Africa. Typically, Red-footed Falcons ... -
A Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato baktériumok ökológiai és járványtani vizsgálata a Margit-szigeten : Szakdolg.
(2013-09-23)Our knowledge about the species participating in the life cycle of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato bacteria, which cause the Lyme disease, is not complete. In this study, wich was a part of a greater, three-year examination, ... -
Szennyvíziszap kezelés hatása nyárfa csemeték fotoszintézisére és növekedésére
(2013-09-20)Pollutant content of the sewage sludge did not exceed the 50 / 2001 Limits laid down in the Government Decree. In our experiment, one control and three different doses of therapy applied. Our experimental plants were ...