A kontrasztanyag volumenterhelésének hatása a subarachnoidealis tér nyomásviszonyaira myelographia során kutyákban
In addition to the advancements in diagnostic 3D imaging techniques, contrast radiography of the subarachnoid space, a relatively simple and effective diagnostic method, is still a useful tool for the diagnosis of compressive spinal lesions. One of the main disadvantages of myelography, compared to 3D imaging, is that it is an invasive procedure. Even when performed properly, tonic-clonic seizures, protracted recovery, and central nervous system depression may occur after the examination. Adverse effects and complications are more common in large dogs, and when atlanto-occipital puncture is used, or when the duration of postmyelographic anesthesia is short. Large volumes of contrast medium more often produce adverse effects than smaller volumes.