A lovak agy-gerincvelő folyadékának mintavétele, elemzése és annak egyes paramétereire vonatkozó saját referenciatartomány meghatározása
We know a lot of neurogical diseases in horses so the difference diagnosis is very difficult in some cases. To sampling and analyze the cerebrospinal fluid is a general part of the neurogical diagnoses. We can get information about the general condition of the neurological system through analysing the liquor. We also can get closer to the right diagnosis with this examination.
To knowing the sampling technique of cerebrospinal fluid is could be very useful for the clinician veterinarians. The technique dosen’t need any special equipment. We can do some part of the liquor’s examination immediately after sampling. Therefore, we can get a fast information about the central neurogical systems state. We need a laboratological equipment to do the detailed examination of the liquor, for example cell count determination or cytological examinations. Every lab should have a calibrated referencial intervals for their own methods, because of the correct evaluation of the results.