HuVetA [NEW]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 3917
Molecular effects of intermittent stress on primary feline uroepithelial cell culture as an in vitro model of feline idiopathic cystitis
(2023)Introduction: The most common cause of feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUDT) is feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC), which is a complex multifactorial disease with symptoms including stranguria, dysuria, hematuria, and ... -
Molecular epidemiology of Candida albicans infections revealed dominant genotypes in waterfowls diagnosed with esophageal mycosis
(Frontiers, 2023)Fungal infections of animals could yield significant economic losses, especially in the poultry industry, due to their adverse effects on growth, feed intake, digestion, and reproduction. Previous investigations showed ... -
Susceptibility of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida and Streptococcus suis Isolated from Pigs in Hungary between 2018 and 2021
(MDPI, 2023)Porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) has been a major animal health, welfare, and economic problem in Hungary; therefore, great emphasis should be put on both the prevention and control of this complex disease. As ... -
In Vitro Microevolution and Co-Selection Assessment of Florfenicol Impact on Escherichia coli Resistance Development
(MDPI, 2023)The issue of antimicrobial resistance is becoming an increasingly serious challenge in both human and veterinary medicine. Prudent antimicrobial use in veterinary medicine is warranted and supported by international ... -
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Florfenicol in Plasma and Synovial Fluid of Pigs at a Dose of 30 mg/kgbw Following Intramuscular Administration
(2023)A major problem of our time is the ever-increasing resistance to antimicrobial agents in bacterial populations. One of the most effective ways to prevent these problems is to target antibacterial therapies for specific ... -
A mezei nyúl (Lepus europaeus P.) szaporodásbiológiai mutatóinak vizsgálata kis- és nagyalföldi populációk esetén
(2024-09)Background: Despite the dramatic decline in the population of the brown hare, it remains of great importance in the small game management in Hungary. The decline of its populations was caused mainly by drastic changes ... -
Mycoplasmosis első magyarországi megállapítása szakállas agámában (Pogona vitticeps)
(2024-09)Background: Mycoplasmosis in reptiles, which requires some predisposing factors, was first confirmed in a tortoise showing clinical signs. In Hungary, mycoplasmosis has been described in turtles, tortoises and also in a ... -
A csirkék mirigyesgyomor-elhalását okozó birnavírusa (Chicken Proventricular Necrosis Virus) okozta fertőzés első megállapítása pettyes fogasfürjben (Cyrtonyx montezumae)
(2024-09)Background: The chicken proventricular necrosis virus (CPNV) is a recently identi- fied birnavirus proposed to be the cause of transmissible viral proventriculitis (TVP), an emerging disease primarily affecting broiler ... -
Hazai sertéstakarmányok multimikotoxin-szennyezettsége három év (2019-2021) adatai alapján
(2024-09)Background: Multi-mycotoxin exposure is a frequent and significant problem, since swine feed is based on different type of cereals, which may contain huge variety of mycotoxins. Surveys all over the world have shown the ... -
A Balaton halállományának jellemzése környezeti DNS mintavételek alapján
(2024)In ecological studies, a sample that reflects the structure of communities is needed in order to monitor community diversity, properly operate environmental assessment systems, and develop environmental management plans. ... -
Feline Obesity
(2024)Feline obesity is one of the most common and concerning disorders affecting cats today. It has been found to be associated with multiple disease conditions including Hepatic Lipidosis, Diabetes Mellitus as well as shortened ... -
Morfometriai vizsgálatok balatoni sügereken (Perca fluviatilis)
(2024)A nehezen definiálható testalakot matematikai módszerekkel leíró morfometriai eljárásokat széles körben használják a biológia területén is. Egyebek között a morfometriát a halbiológiában is alkalmazzák, például egyes ... -
Rehoming of laboratory beagles: ethical considerations, animal welfare, and the impact on research practices
(2024)Although rehoming of laboratory beagles has gained significantly in interest over the past years, studies on this practice remain scarce. Exploring a range of relevant animal welfare considerations, this thesis examines ... -
Bone Tumours in Dogs, Focused on the Canine Osteosarcoma. A Retrospective Study
(2024)A comprehensive literature review provided a foundation by outlining the origins, classifications, and characteristics of bone tumours. Special focus was placed on osteosarcomas, including their aggressive nature and ... -
Új-Guineai ugrópókok (Araneae: Salticidae) integratív taxonómiája
(2024)Földünk egyik utolsó feltáraltan vadonja Új-Guinea szigete, melynek indonéz felén található Batanta szigetéről nem volt eddig egyetlen ugrópók adatunk sem. A szigetről Kovács Tibor gyűjtött 2019-ben és 2023-ban pókokat, ... -
Stressz iránti sérülékenység agyi hálózati jellemzőinek feltérképezése poszttraumás stressz zavar modellben
(2024)A poszttraumás stressz zavar (PTSD) a traumát átélők 10-20 %-ánál kialakuló pszichiátriai kórkép, melyet tartós félelmi generalizáció jellemez (biztonságos környezetben is markáns szorongásos reakciók). Habár bizonyos ... -
Immune response to zinc oxide inhalation in metal fume fever, and the possible role of IL-17f
(Nature, 2023)Metal fume fever (MFF) is a work-related disease caused by the inhalation of metal particles, including zinc oxide. Chronic asthma may develop as a long-term consequence of exposure, particularly for welders and metal ... -
Emerging risk identification in the food chain – A systematic procedure and data analytical options
(Elsevier, 2023-06)Systematic screening for risks emerging in the food chain is essential for the protection of consumer health, however, timely identification of risks is not a trivial task because of the data and information gaps. By ... -
Genetic diversity of imported PRRSV-2 strains, 2005–2020, Hungary
(2022)Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus 2 (PRRSV-2) remains sporadic in Europe. In this study, we investigated the molecular epidemiology of PRRSV-2 infections encompassing 15 years in Hungary. Partial (423 bp ... -
Neuromodulátor felszabadulás mérése egerekben asszociatív feladatok végzése során
(2024)A jutalom predikció hiba (reward prediciton error: RPE) a tényleges és a várt jutalom közötti különbség, melynek értékétől függően változik jövőbeli viselkedésünk tanulás során. Célul tűztük ki a dopamin (DA), az acetilkolin ...