HuVetA [NEW]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 3911
DNS-vírusok keresése és filogenetikai elemzések madarakban és emlősökben
(2024)A madarak és denevérek számos közös tulajdonságuk alapján kiváló alanyai a különböző vírusok kimutatásának és tanulmányozásának. Kutatásunk során ezen gazdaszervezetek szervés tamponmintáiból igyekeztünk kimutatni különböző ... -
Opportunities for Reduction of Methane Emissions by using different Feed Ingredients in Ruminant Nutrition
(2024)As the threat of global warming escalates, the livestock industry looks into exploring how different feed additives may reduce greenhouse gas emissions, namely methane gas. The reviews of various literature explore new ... -
Metagenome analysis of pig nasal swab samples by Oxford Nanopore and Illumina sequencing
(2024)Our study delved into the microbial community dynamics and antibiotic resistance gene profiles within swine samples utilizing Illumina and Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing methods. Eukaryota dominated all samples, ... -
A DNS transzpozonok funkcionális vizsgálata emlős sejtekben
(2024)A DNS transzpozonok olyan mobilis genetikai elemek, melyek kulcsszerepet játszanak számos genomi folyamatban, ideértve a gazdagenomok evolúcióját is. A piggyBac transzpozon szupercsalád a DNS transzpozonok egyik fő ... -
Methods of influencing the sex of newborn with special regards to sex sorted semen
(2024)The world's population and its demand for food, including animal products, is growing constantly and is higher than ever before. Besides that, problems like animal welfare and environmental protection are getting more ... -
Impact of nutrition on canine behaviour
(2024)Behaviour issues significantly impact the welfare of both dog and owner, it can be a public health threat and are a common reason for dogs being abandoned in shelters or euthanized. Aggression, separation anxiety, and ... -
Az emberi zavarás hatásainak kísérletes vizsgálata vadon élő madaraknál
(2024)In my thesis, we investigated the effects of long-term human disturbance on the risk-taking behaviour of wild birds and on various parameters of their reproductive success. In our research, we used the great tit (Parus ... -
Special medicinal plants of dogs and cats in Israel
(2024)The use of medicinal plants as alternative or complementary therapies in veterinary medicine has gained considerable attention in recent years. A systematic literature review was performed to investigate the therapeutic ... -
Önakadályozás és optimális ramet mortalitás a klonális növényekben
(2024)A klonális növényekben a genetikai egyed (genet) több fiziológiai egyedből (rametből) is állhat, s a genet növekedését a rametek populációdinamikája írja le. Kutatásunkban a rametek mortalitásának hatását vizsgáltuk a ... -
A rangsorban elfoglalt hely és problémás viselkedések kapcsolata családi kutyáknál
(2024)It has previously been observed that certain behaviours of dogs can be influenced by their position in the social hierarchy. However, the relationship between problematic behaviours directed towards owners or other family ... -
A Rubus sárga érhálósodás vírus detektálása és magyarországi variánsainak vizsgálata
(2024)Rubus species are propagated vegetatively, making them more vulnerable to viral infections, as the virus is passed from the mother plant to the cultivars. So development of diagnostic techniques is important to be able ... -
Tájszerkezet hatása az üregekben fészkelő hártyásszárnyúakra magyarországi falvakban
(2024)A biodiverzitás csökkenése világszerte egyre nagyobb problémát jelent, amely az ökoszisztémák stabilitását és funkcionalitását veszélyezteti. A rovarok számának csökkenésével olyan folyamatok sérülnek, mint például a ... -
Lehmannia fajok Magyarországon (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Limacidae)
(2024)A hazai meztelencsiga fauna 32 fajt számlál, és egy alulkutatott csoportnak számít. A pontos határozásuk tradicionálisan az ivarszervi anatómia alapján történik, azonban érdemes lenne, például ökológiai kutatásokhoz ... -
Pathological consequences, metabolism and toxic effects of trichothecene T-2 toxin in poultry
(Elsevier, 2024)Contamination of feed with mycotoxins has become a severe issue worldwide. Among the most prevalent trichothecene mycotoxins, T-2 toxin is of particular importance for livestock production, including poultry posing a ... -
Molecular effects of intermittent stress on primary feline uroepithelial cell culture as an in vitro model of feline idiopathic cystitis
(2023)Introduction: The most common cause of feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUDT) is feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC), which is a complex multifactorial disease with symptoms including stranguria, dysuria, hematuria, and ... -
Molecular epidemiology of Candida albicans infections revealed dominant genotypes in waterfowls diagnosed with esophageal mycosis
(Frontiers, 2023)Fungal infections of animals could yield significant economic losses, especially in the poultry industry, due to their adverse effects on growth, feed intake, digestion, and reproduction. Previous investigations showed ... -
Susceptibility of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida and Streptococcus suis Isolated from Pigs in Hungary between 2018 and 2021
(MDPI, 2023)Porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) has been a major animal health, welfare, and economic problem in Hungary; therefore, great emphasis should be put on both the prevention and control of this complex disease. As ... -
In Vitro Microevolution and Co-Selection Assessment of Florfenicol Impact on Escherichia coli Resistance Development
(MDPI, 2023)The issue of antimicrobial resistance is becoming an increasingly serious challenge in both human and veterinary medicine. Prudent antimicrobial use in veterinary medicine is warranted and supported by international ... -
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Florfenicol in Plasma and Synovial Fluid of Pigs at a Dose of 30 mg/kgbw Following Intramuscular Administration
(2023)A major problem of our time is the ever-increasing resistance to antimicrobial agents in bacterial populations. One of the most effective ways to prevent these problems is to target antibacterial therapies for specific ... -
A mezei nyúl (Lepus europaeus P.) szaporodásbiológiai mutatóinak vizsgálata kis- és nagyalföldi populációk esetén
(2024-09)Background: Despite the dramatic decline in the population of the brown hare, it remains of great importance in the small game management in Hungary. The decline of its populations was caused mainly by drastic changes ...