Clinic for Large Animals: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Poor performance secondary to airway obstruction in horses
(2015)Upper respiratory tract (URT) obstructions are a common cause of poor performance in both racehorses and sport horses. The URT experiences changes in pressure throughout the different phases of respiration. During inspiration, ... -
A szívfrekvencia-változékonyság vizsgálata vemhes és nem vemhes lipicai kancákban
(2014)A ló szerepe az emberiség sorsában már az ősidőktől kezdve meghatározó volt. Egyes ókori kultúrákban már kezdetektől kultusz szimbólumként szerepelt. Egy egészséges kancacsikó születését hasonló ünnepléssel fogadták, mint ... -
Osteochondrosis; a literary review and a retrospective study of OCD prevalence in Norvegian and Hungarian horses
(2010)Osteochondrosis and osteochondritis dissecans is a highly debilitating disease, especially in the equine sport industry. The disorder is defined as a focal disturbance in the endochondral ossification process, and multiple ... -
A lovak agy-gerincvelő folyadékának mintavétele, elemzése és annak egyes paramétereire vonatkozó saját referenciatartomány meghatározása
(2013-12-11)We know a lot of neurogical diseases in horses so the difference diagnosis is very difficult in some cases. To sampling and analyze the cerebrospinal fluid is a general part of the neurogical diagnoses. We can get information ... -
Endocrine and pregnancy protein changes during periparturient period with correlation of stillbirth in dairy cow
(2013-11-06)Over the last fifty years a decline in fertility in high yielding Holstein dairy cattle is observed as well as a steady incline of the stillbirth rates during the last years is detectable, especially in Holstein-Friesian ... -
Endocrine and pregnancy protein changes during periparturient period with correlation of stillbirth in dairy cow
(2013-05-22)Over the last fifty years a decline in fertility in high yielding Holstein dairy cattle is observed as well as a steady incline of the stillbirth rates during the last years is detectable, especially in Holstein-Friesian ... -
The correlation of weather changes with the incidence of colic in horses
(2012)Reasons for performing the study: The connection between colics and weather is not proven yet and not much studies exist so far. To know about the responsibility of weather in this matter would help horse owners and ... -
A comparison of forced oscillatory measurements to bronchoalveolar lavage
(2012)Based on the results, it can be said that all horses had some type of lower airway disorder, basically RAO or IAD. All the results which were taken into account from the FOM clearly showed that there were no obstructions ... -
Equine laminitis
(2012)Although equine laminitis has apparently been known for more than 2000 years (Heymering, 2010), the disease is still not completely understood and requires further research. Numerous treatment strategies are applied, but ... -
A szubklinikai ketózis előfordulsásának vizsgálata hazai tehenészetekben
(2012)Tejelő szarvasmarha állományokban az ellést követő időszak, a laktáció első heteiben a tejtermelés és annak energiaszükséglete gyorsabban emelkedik, mint az állat szárazanyag felvevőképessége. Az ellés körüli időszak ... -
The possible inductions of embryonic diapause with hydrogen-sulfide
(2012)Recently hydrogen-sulfide has garnered much attention from the scientific community for its potential applications in human medicine. It has been discovered that H2S is able to induce a reversible state of hibernation ... -
Uroperitoneum in foals
(2011)Uroperitoneum in foals is the accumulation of urine in the abdominal cavity, most frequently as a consequence of urinary bladder rupture or a patent urachus. The aetiology is not fully known, but it is considered a result ... -
Effect of keeping system on fertility and milk production in small dairy farms (<100 cows) in Switzerland and a large scale dairy farm (>500 cows) in Hungary
(2010)Due to the higher milk yield and thus shorter estrus and lower fertility, the heat of the Hungarian Holstein cow is more difficult to detect and needs a higher amount of AI/ pregnancy as the Swiss dairy cows. Contributing ... -
Intrauterine pressure changes in the post partum Caesarean section cow
(2011)The primary goal of this report was to select and determine a suitable on farm method for future measurements and recordings of intrauterine pressure in Caesarean section Holstein- Friesian cows postpartum, something that ... -
Lovak húgykövességének diagnosztikája és sebészeti gyógykezelésének lehetőségei
(2010)A lovak húgykövességét 1840-ben írták le először korbonctani esetként. A lovak vizeletének tulajdonsága ellenére, melyek kedveznek a kőképződésnek, ritka az elváltozás előfordulása, azonban gyakrabban jelentkezik 10 évnél ... -
An assessment of the heifer- rearing system and its consequences on a Hungarian Holstein-Friesian dairy farm
(2011)The calf management on the farm is generally of a good standard. There are proper management systems in place with regard to both nutrition and housing of the calves and heifers. Considering feet, leg disease and injury, ... -
Changes of acid-base and certain metabolic parameters of newborn calves and their dams after calving
(2011)Parturition and the periparturient period are stressful on both the dam and the calf. These changes in acid-base status and metabolic parameters can predispose the dam and the calf to disease and may even lead to death. ... -
A bódítás hatása az orális glükóz abszorpciós tesztre
(2012)Kísérletünkben a malabszorpció diagnosztizálására alkalmas glükóz abszorpciós tesztet vizsgáltuk istállói körülmények között, kiegészítve azzal, hogy a bódításhoz alkalmazott xylazin befolyásolja-e a glükóz bélből történő ... -
Tapasztalatok az üllői Nagyállat Klinikán laparoszkóppal végzett preventív lép-vese tér szűkítő műtéti beavatkozásokról lovak esetében
(2011)Bevezetés: A tágremese bal oldali, dorsalis helyzetváltozása az egyik legáltalánosabb oka a kólikás megbetegedéseknek, és leggyakoribb formája a tágremese helyzetváltozásának. Az esetek a szakirodalomban leírt adatok szerint ... -
The occurrence of congenital intestinal atresia in the East of Ireland
(2012)The main objective for conducting this survey was to find out if congenital atresia is more prevalent than presumed. The findings coincided with previous studies based on this subject. In a questionnaire based cross ...