HuVetA [NEW]: Recent submissions
Now showing items 481-500 of 3911
The attitude of the owner towards canine nutrition and obesity on the Maltese Islands
(2023)One of the most common diseases seen in small animal practice is obesity which has several factors which may lead to its disposition. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the owners in the etiology of the ... -
A rézsikló (Coronella austriaca) táplálkozása és a prédaelérhetőség hatása az élőhelyválasztására a Felső-Kiskunsági turjánvidéken
(2023)A rákosi vipera (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis) egykor gyakorinak számított a Kárpát-medence sztyepprétjein, ám élőhelyeinek mezőgazdasági művelésbe vonása visszaszorította néhány kisebb, szigetszerű állományba. Az elmúlt ... -
A domborzat és az erdőtermészetességi paraméterek hatása a dömörkapui foltos szalamandra egyedek eloszlására
(2023)A foltos szalamandra (Salamandra salamandra) hazánkban védett, elterjedési területén populációi csökkenő tendenciát mutatnak, főként az élőhelyek eltűnése, a szárazság és a tiszta vizű patakok elszennyezése, illetve a ... -
Clinical Relevance of Anti-Müllerian Hormone evaluation in small animal practice
(2023)There have during the later years been done more research on the use of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) as a diagnostic tool in dogs and cats, of both female and male. There are still many uses of AMH that is not confirmed, ... -
Mikroszatellita markerek rokonfajok közötti tesztelése solymászmadarakban
(2023)Napjainkban a természetvédelem egyre nagyobb szerepet játszik a törvényhozásban is. Kiváló példa erre az idén áprilisban kiadott 136/2022. (IV. 7.) Kormányrendelet (a 348/2006. (XII. 23.) Kormányrendelet módosítása), ... -
Anaemia of cancer A literature review
(2023)Anaemia is commonly seen in oncology patients irrespective of the malignancy encountered. Despite its widespread occurrence, the pathophysiology leading to its manifestation is varied. In this literary review, we aim to ... -
Diagnostic methods for the detection of atypical porcine pestivirus
(2023)The Flaviviridae family consist of 4 genera. The Pestivirus genus is one of these four and includes the novel Atypical porcine pestivirus which was first detected in 2015 by Hause et al. in the USA. In subsequent studies, ... -
Seroprevalence of bovine viral respiratory infections in Malta
(2021)Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (BRDC) is regarded to have a significant impact on the beef and dairy industry globally due to the increased risks in mortality and morbidity in calves, leading to economic losses in ... -
The digital transformation in veterinary medicine: Telemedicine
(2021)Veterinary telemedicine is not as novel a field as it would seem, as it has basically been practised ever since consultations by telephone are possible. More recently, technological advances in telecommunication have ... -
The possible role of embryo transfer in pig breeding
(2023)The embryo transfer is a reproductive technology which was initially just performed due to research purposes. The goal was to transfer embryos from a genetically superior donor female to a recipient with the aim of ... -
An Investigation into the Role of Dung Beetles in the Control of Gastrointestinal Nematode Larvae Numbers
(2023)This study investigated the effects of dung beetles on the development of infective gastrointestinal nematode larvae. This was performed by way of a field trial involving the construction of experimental dung pats ... -
Occurrence of Five Honeybee Pathogenic Viruses in Hungarian Apiaries
(2023)This thesis examines the trends and occurrences of five honeybee pathogenic viruses that can infect honeybees in Hungary. Surveys have been conducted since 1999 to identify the presence of Acute Bee Paralysis Virus, Black ... -
(2023)This thesis presents a case report of a dog that was presented with an abscess on her head and required extensive wound management and reconstructive surgery. Several days of cleansing, daily bandage changes, and antibiotic ... -
Bovine Mastitis Management on Irish Dairy Farms
(2023)One of the most common diseases that affects dairy herds in Ireland, and can cause significant losses is mastitis. There are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of mastitis. Milking hygiene, disinfectant and ... -
A magyarországi fosszilis tulkok revíziója
(2023)Magyarországon a negyedidőszak idejében lényegesen diverzebb megafauna élt. Barlangi oroszlánok (Panthera spelaea), óriásszarvasok (Megaloceros giganteus) és különféle bölényfajok is hozzátartoztak hazánk állatvilágához. ... -
Equine twinning - genetics (Review of literature)
(2023)Equine twinning is undesirable due to the complications that are implied in its occurrence. Thus, it is from advantage to understand the background of this phenomenon for a proper approach. Multiple ovulations are the ... -
Retrospective analysis of the clinical findings of 114 horses with eosinophilic keratoconjunctivitis
(2021)Eosinophilic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) is an immune-mediated disease of the cornea and conjunctiva of the equine eye when eosinophil granulocytes migrate on the corneal and/or conjunctival surface. During the degranulation ... -
Control of equine parturition in a Hungarian Thoroughbred farm
(2023)The primary goal of our work was to investigate the situation of Thoroughbred breeding based on data obtained in a Hungarian Thoroughbred Farm, with particular regard to the breeding processes, its regulation, manipulation, ... -
(2023)The European legislation regulates the transport of live animals strictly to ensure an adequate level of animal welfare. In this paper, the guide to good practices for the transport of cattle and additional literature ... -
Literature review: Coagulation disorders in dogs with cancer
(2023)Cancer represents one of the major causes of death in dogs. Approximately 50 % of all deaths in dogs over the age of 10 is due to cancer and about one in four dogs will develop cancer during their life. This illustrates ...