HuVetA [NEW]: Új feltöltések
221-240 tétel 3911 közül
Using low molecular weight substances to manipulate the innate immune response Manipulation of innate immune response with viral RNA & DNA
(2023)Nowadays, immuno-oncotherapy is an innovative treatment for tumours. The exploitation of the therapeutic potential of tumour-specific antibodies, along with the manipulation of cellular mechanisms of the immune system, ... -
Fecal microbiota transplantation and its effect on dogs with chronic enteropathy
(2023)Dysbiosis refers to an imbalance in the intestinal microbiota composition that can be linked to gastrointestinal dysfunctions. Therapeutic approaches of dysbiosis aim to modulate and support the intestinal microbiome. ... -
A farokszőrzet hosszának és minőségének hatása kutyák faroktövén mért vérnyomására
(2023)Házi kedvenceink esetében bizonyítottan problémát okozhat a magas vérnyomás és annak káros következményei. Ennek megállapítására a kisállatgyógyászatban az indirekt vérnyomásmérés mára már rutinvizsgálattá vált. A ... -
Control of Foaling Springfield Farm Co. Waterford, Ireland
(2023)The purpose of this retrospective study was to determine the time of day of parturition of the thoroughbred mare, the factors that affect gestation time and gain an understanding of the frequency of dystocia, placental ... -
Hazai madárkullancslégy fajok gazdapreferencia-vizsgálata
(2023)A kullancslegyek obligát vérszívó, ízeltlábú ektoparaziták, melyek számos melegvérű állatfajon élősködhetnek. A kullancslegyek családjába (Hippoboscidae) több mint 200 faj tartozik, melyek közül a legtöbb madarak ... -
Kutya lágyszöveti szarkóma grade meghatározás digitális patológiai módszerekkel
(2023)Kutyákban a lágyszöveti szarkómák az egyik leggyakrabban diagnosztizált heterogén tumorcsoport. Ezen daganatok várható kiújulása és áttétképzési hajlama szoros összefüggést mutat a szövettani grade-el, amelyet hagyományosan ... -
Seasonality, morphologic and molecular analyses of ixodid ticks collected in two urban biotopes of Budapest
(2021)Hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) are regarded as the most important arthropods that are able to transmit pathogens to humans and domestic animals in the temperate zone. Previously, in the capital city of Hungary various ... -
Identification of naturally occurring inhabitants of vaginal microbiota in cows and determination of their antibiotic sensitivity
(2022)Microbiota in the bodies of different species have a significant impact on the health status of the host. Most studies have focused on the microbiota of gut, skin, and mouth, and not too much research known about normal ... -
Minireview: Biomarkers in veterinary oncology – with the focus on blood biomarkers A literature review
(2023)There are several molecular markers which we determine to prove neoplastic processes in the human and animal body. Biomarkers have been used for clinical diagnostics in human medicine for many years, especially in the ... -
Literature Review: Epidemiological Assessment, Prevalence & Control Measures for Canine Parvoviruses in Europe
(2023)Canine Parvovirus is a virus affecting dogs and has a morbidity rate of 100% & a mortality rate of 90% if left untreated. CPV-2’s hallmark clinical signs include diarrhoea (+/- haemorrhagic), vomitus, lethargy & anorexia. ... -
The Usage of Antibiotics and their Alternatives in Scottish Salmon Farms
(2023)The potential role of fish as a means to providing a solution for diminishing land availability as well as forming a well-balanced diet is well documented. Despite this, the public perception of aquaculture can be ... -
Characteristics of hospital-associated infections in horses caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
(2023)Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)-related illnesses have become more common in recent years, posing a significant problem for medical treatment. As typical commensals of the natural flora in equines, ... -
Efficacy of plant-derived compound compared to ectoparasiticides: A literature review
(2023)The prevention and management of ectoparasite infestations in companion animals represent a critical aspect of preserving their well-being and overall health status. Within the field of veterinary medicine, antiparasitic ... -
The effect that standardbred racehorse training has on the horses’ limbs from an animal welfare aspect
(2023)The prevailing thought regarding limb injuries in STBRs when focusing on their animal welfare is that the welfare of such horses could be of a better standard. There are many methods which can be applied to improve the ... -
Lactobacillus rhamnosus probiotikus baktériumtörzs hatásának in vitro vizsgálata sertés bélfertőzés modellben
(2022)Nagyüzemi körülmények között tartott sertésekben a zsúfoltság és az intenzív technológia okozta stressz miatt gyakori az Escherichia coli (E. coli) és Salmonella Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) okozta bélfertőzés. A ... -
A bacteriome survey of Ixodes ricinus in Hungary
(2023)Ixodes ricinus, the castor bean tick, has long been a prominent subject of discussion in Europe, serving as a critical vector for transmitting significant diseases such as Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme borreliosis ... -
Control of Foaling after Embryo Transfer
(2023)Equine embryo transfer is used globally to obtain an increased number of high-quality foals from mares without interfering with their competitive career. However, there are various factors that can influence the ... -
Magyarországi eredetű propolisz hatékonysága galambból izolált kórokozók esetében
(2021)Napjaink egyik legsúlyosabb humán- és állategészségügyi problémáját az antimikrobiális szerekkel szembeni rezisztencia terjedése jelenti. Antibiotikum alternatívák használatával jelentős mértékben csökkenthetjük a ... -
Application of a modern reproductive technology in horse breeding: a careful analysis of a successful embryo transfer
(2022)Horse breeding is a multifaceted and constantly evolving field, which is being introduced more and more deeply into veterinary medicine and science. In order to attain insight into modern biotechnologies concerning ... -
Food safety aspects of possible chemical contamination in fish
(2023)The aim of this study was to reevaluate the possible contaminants of fish for human consumption and analyze the measured concentrations of mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic which can cause toxic effects on human body, ...