Browsing Állatorvostudományi Egyetem / University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest by Title
Now showing items 768-787 of 912
A rejtettheréjűség vizsgálata kandúrban
(2011)Szakdolgozatom célja, hogy áttekintsem a rejtettheréjűség okait és következményeit kandúrban. Ez a rendellenesség a macskák 1-1,5%-át érinti, és megnyilvánulhat unilaterálisan és bilaterálisan is. Mivel a herék leszállása ... -
The relationship between coat colours and genetic disorders with emphasis on the Great Dane canine breed
(2014)Large breeds like the Great Dane are known to be predisposed to diseases like Hip dysplasia, Gastric dilational volvulus, and Dilated cardiomyopathy, which are associated with high veterinary costs, sudden death and low ... -
Relationship of BCS, Milk Production, and Metabolic Parameters on Reproductive Success in Holstein Friesian Dairy Cows in Hungary
(2013)The dairy industry’s profit is dependable on the dairy cows ability to produce high milk yields while reproducing efficiently. Cows undergo dynamitic metabolic changes during late pregnancy and through to the peak of ... -
Relationship of intraluteal and serum progesterone concentration in dog
(2015)This investigation was undertaken to review knowledge about the influence of corpus luteum weight on intraluteal progesterone concentration. Veterinarians can use ultrasound to identify and measure maturing follicles or ... -
Rendellenes orális viselkedésformák előfordulása borjakban, üszőkben és tehenekben
(2012)Az anyától elválasztott, itatással fölnevelt borjak szopási motivációjukat nem tudják kielégíteni, ezért az egyedi tartásban különféle tárgyakat, míg csoportos tartásban társaikat is szopkodják. A kóros szopások tőgy-sérülést ... -
Rendszeres tőgyegészségügyi és fejéstechnológiai vizsgálatok hosszú távú hatásának vizsgálata egy tejhasznú tehenészetben
(2013)A fejlett szarvasmarhatartással rendelkező országokban és az itthon elvégzett felmérések alapján a tejelő szarvasmarha ágazatban a betegségek közül állományszinten a tőgygyulladások okozzák a legnagyobb gazdasági veszteséget. ... -
Reproduction performance and postpartum disease in different managed dairy cattle farms in Norvay
(2010)In conclusion, there is a lower reproductive efficiency in the tethered herds, with higher calving interval, CFI, CLI, number of AI and non return rates, compared to the free kept herds in the given areas of Norway. The ... -
Restlessness behavior, heart rate and heart rate variability of dairy cows milked in two different systems: comparing automatic milking system and conventional milking parlour : Preliminary results
(2014)The aim of the study was to assess the stress responses of the dairy cows when the milking system was switching from conventional to robotic milking on the farm. The study was conducted over a period of 3 months, and ... -
A retinás ribbon szinapszisok : Szinaptikus ribbonok a retina patológiás folyamatainak hátterében
(2013)From the collected data of many years of research it is already known that retinal synaptic ribbons look like electron dense, osmiphilic, plate-like proteinaceous bodies on EM pictures that are surrounded by synaptic ... -
A retrospective study of MR imaging in dogs with seizures
(2013-06-03)The diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy is done by exclusion of all other known causes. This is done by a thorough history, clinical signs, negative laboratory (CBC, biochemistry, urinalysis, and CSF), EEG and different imaging ... -
A retrospective study of MR imaging in dogs with seizures
(2013-11-06)The diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy is done by exclusion of all other known causes. This is done by a thorough history, clinical signs, negative laboratory (CBC, biochemistry, urinalysis, and CSF), EEG and different imaging ... -
Review of embryo transfer in Sheep
(2011) -
A review of Histone Deacetylase inhibitors and their application in veterinary medicine
(2010)The role of epigenetic determinants in regulating cellular processes and functions of living organisms has become increasingly clear. Although the environment clearly has an influence on the epigenetic landscape, there are ... -
Review of the Norwegian Landrace Pig
(2010)The earliest proof of the domesticated swine in Norway dates back to 1500-1400 B.C. The Norwegian landrace is the oldest and most important pig breed in Norway. And todays landrace originates from these domesticated tame ... -
A review of the Schirmer tear test in guinea pigs
(2014)The kinetics of strip wetting of standard and modified Schirmer strips are exactly similar and clearly show an initial rapid absorption rate of fluid followed by a moderate absorption rate as the rate of absorption slows ... -
Revised detection methods of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in raw milk and dairy products from sheep/goat milk.
(2013)The aim of this study was to review the existing laws and regulations concerning the detection of Salmonella and Listeria bacterial species in sheep and goat raw milk and dairy products. The products under examination were ... -
The risk of rabies introduction into Sweden
(2012)The aim of this study was to present Sweden as a rabies free country and the risks of introducing the disease with the new less restrictive system of importation of pet animals. Rabies is a lethal zoonotic disease that ... -
The role of dietary protein in the predation rate of the domestic cat (Felis domesticus) across urban and rural landscapes
(2012)The domestic cat (Felis domesticus) is an introduced or alien species to Ireland. Examinations of the domestic cat and its impacts on Irish fauna have been relatively scarce to date. A survey was conducted on the predation ... -
The Role of Histophilus somni (Haemophilus somnus) in Bovine Reproduction
(2013)Histophilus somni (previously known as Haemophilus somnus) is a pathogen of cattle worldwide and it is a small, Gram-negative, coccobacillary, facultative anaerobic, non-spore forming, non-motile, non-capsulated, fastidious ... -
Rumination activity and its alteration in ill cows
(2010)This study is investigating the rumination activity and its alteration in ill cows, was performed by Efrat Gingis, in the framework of thesis writing for DVM academic degree. There is a well-proven two-way relationship ...